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  • McKinley Assassination

    McKinley Assassination
    President McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz
  • First flight

    First flight
    Wilbur and Orville wright fly at Kitty Hawk and become the first to take flight while aboard
  • Election of 1904

    Election of 1904
    Theodore Roosevelt wins his first election
  • Oklahoma

    The Oklahoma territory and the Indian territory are combined to form Oklahoma
  • 1908 election

    1908 election
    William taft is elected president
  • Wright brothers flight

    Wright brothers flight
    The only flight taken together by Wilbur Orville occurs at Huffman Prairie
  • 1912 election

    1912 election
    Woodrow Wilson overcame three way race to win the presidency
  • Babe Ruth

    Babe Ruth
    Babe Ruth makes his major league debut
  • World war I

    World war I
    The beginning of a major war begun
  • Wilsions 2nd term

    Wilsions 2nd term
    Woodrow Wilson elected a second term of presidency
  • Declaration on Germany

    America declares war and joins the Allies in the war
  • Spanish flu

    A flu developed killing over twenty million worldwide
  • First transatlantic flight

    A U.S. navy seaplane begins the first Transatlantic flight
  • Election of 1920

    Election of 1920
    Warren G. Harding wins election