Map eu 1852

18th Century Europe - Economy and Society

  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    The Act of Union joined England and Scotland together, forming "Great Britain". Scotland wanted to merge with England to benefit from their trade and wealth. England was an economic power throughout history and this continued in the 18th century. By uniting with England. Scotland was able to grow their economy and increase the quality of life for their people. This union also benefited England in they were also able to make some economic gains, just not to the extent of Scotland.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    Treaty of Utrecht
    This treaty ended the War of Spanish Succession between France and Spain (Europe). This war occurred because of France's desire to take more territory in Europe. However, they were unsuccessful and with this treaty ended their attempts to expand. Prior to this treaty, France was in a Golden Age. However, their unsuccessful and cost of war resulted in their economy declining and increased in debt. The status of their economy changed for the worse.
  • Construction of the Royal Highway in France

    Construction of the Royal Highway in France
    In the mid 18th century, the Royal Highway was constructed in France. This highway stretched across France and helped increase trade and end famine in France. Prior to the creation of this highway, it was hard to travel across France which left many towns in economic crisis as it took long to trade. This highways increased travel time in France and helped bring more goods and supplies to people across France. This in turn boosted the economy and quality of life.
  • English Game Laws

    English Game Laws
    In the 18th century, there were shortages on meat due to the large population in Europe. From 1500-1700, meat was eaten by everyone in society especially commoners and peasants. However, when meat shortages began and the price of meat increased, it began to be only a food for the rich. To keep the meat in the possession of the wealthy, Game Laws were created that prohibited commoners from hunting. This weakened the power of people in society and they loss access to an important food.
  • Creation of the Treatise "Emile"

    Creation of the Treatise "Emile"
    "Emile" was an important treatise that was written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It encouraged greater love and attention to children. It also acknowledged gender differences and advocated for imaginative teaching styles. This treatise helped result in better treatment and education for children. This was a change from the past as it brought more focus and concern to children within society and overall bettered their quality of life.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The French and Indian War was a conflict in colonial America between France and Britain. The two European nations had territory in America and wanted to take control of all of the colonial empire. After 7 years of fighting, the war was ended with the Treaty of Paris. This declared Britain the winner and gave them some of France's land in American and Canada. Britain was already a world power, but this victory helped allowed them to monopolize colonial trading and further better their economy.
  • Creation of the Spinning Jenny

    Creation of the Spinning Jenny
    The Spinning Jenny was created in 1764 by James Hargreaves. This machine was similar to a spinning wheel except that it could spin several yarns at one time. The spinning jenny was a revolutionary technology for the century as it helped increased productivity and led to the mechanization of textiles. This device changed how textiles were made and helped better the economy as more products could be made and sold. There was a continued focus on textiles but now a more modern way to make them.
  • Creation of "A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery"

    Creation of "A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery"
    In 1766, Joseph Wright of Derby, an English painter, released his painting "A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery". This painting depicts children watching a planetarium and learning about space. They are being taught by philosophers and the teachers are spending time helping the children. This painting reflects an increase in care and focus on the education of children in society. This is a new concept as in previous century's children were uneducated and not cared for.
  • Feudalism in France Abolished

    Feudalism in France Abolished
    In 1789, the National Constituent Assembly stated that they abolished the feudal system completely. This resulted in the weakening of nobles and new requirements for them to pay taxes. Additionally, this resulted in the end of formal serfdom. The end of Feudalism helped equalize the economy and changed it for the better. There was still an upper class, but there were less people in poverty. Society also united and there was less of a divide between the nobles/wealthy and the commoners.
  • First Vaccination against Smallpox Performed

    First Vaccination against Smallpox Performed
    In 1796, Edward Jenner performed the first ever vaccination on a young boy. His vaccination was to prevent small pox and was created from milkmaid that has cowpox. His vaccination was proven to be successful and spread across Europe. At this time smallpox was a deadly disease that wiped out large numbers of Europe's society. The discovery of this treatment helped lead to the disappearance of smallpox in Europe and change the quality of life in society for the better.