18th century

  • Glorious Revolution

    This event changed how England was governed by giving Parliament more power over the English monarchy. The power of kings and queens was limited. This also planted the seeds for the beginning of democracy. The subjects were given protection due to the downfall of monarchy powers.
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    War of the Spanish Succession

    This was caused by the conflict of the claims to the Spanish throne after King Charles II. After the war, the winner was Great Britain. After winning, Great Britain used Spain's permissions to send slaves to the North American colonies. Due to the step-down to the Spanish monarchy, the balance of power was achieved and secured.
  • Statute of Anne

    Statute of Anne is an early piece of copyright legislation. IT was the first legislation that gave artists legal protection. This statute was pushed because it was believed that without copying other material, education, literature, and the arts would prevail faster. The statute also created a public domain so that artwork would eventually be released to the public.
  • South Sea Bubble

    The South Sea Bill allowed the South Sea company to become a monopoly in the trade with South America. The company immediately became rich and popular and several other companies opened up to try to get some of the riches. Then the bubble "bursted" and stock crashed. Everyone lost their money and property overnight.
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    First Great Awakening

    The First Great Awakening caused lots of effects. The decline of Quakers, Anglicans caused the rise of Baptists and Presbyterians. The emergence of greater religious freedoms and the formation of many new churches. The strengh of previously established official churches declined.
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    Seven Years War

    The war drastically expanded the borders of British Amerian. American colonists became upset when the British asked them not to settle the newly won lands because of Britians dire economic state. The war changed economic, political, and social relations between Great Britain an its colonies.
  • George III becomes King of Britain

    After gaining the throne, he searched for the quickest way to end the Seven Years War. After the repealing of the taxes that were put on the American colonies, distrust between England and the colonies became greater and greater until the tea act passed, causing the Boston Tea Party. George the III started to suffer bouts of insanity.
  • Invention of the Marine Chronometer

    John Harrison is the inventor of the Marine chronometer. The invention of the marine chronometer allowed for the accurate calculation of longitude when traveling at sea. It also allowed measuring of the time at a known, fixed, location. It is a spring-based clock that is mounted on suspension (gimbals) to keep it horizontal and reduce the vibrations of ships.
  • French expeditions bring an end to the VOC monopoly of clove plants

    Clove was always extremely valuable. After clove was found on the spice islands by some of the first Portuguese explorers, intense fighting between Spain, the Portuguese, and the Dutch. The Dutch won and formed a monopoly over the clove trees, tearing down any tree that was not theirs. However, one was missed and was found by a French explorer who grew new trees and brought an end to the monopoly. This was important in ending the cycle of destructive exploitation.
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    French Revolution

    The French Revolution caused the lessening of the importance of religion and the downfall of the monarchy. The rise of Nationalism and the spread of Liberalism were also effects of the revolution. The Revolution also unified France and enhanced its power. The revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars led to the spread of new ideas and new forms of government.