18th amendment
The first prohibition law was passed in Maine.
http://www.history.com/topics/18th-and-21st-amendments -
18th amendment
13 more states follow Maine by passing laws that ban alcohol.
http://www.nikolasschiller.com/blog/index.php/archives/category/history/ -
18th amendment
National prohibition group started.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_Party -
18th amendment
The anti saloon league is formed.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Saloon_League -
18th amendment
US Senate passed the Volstead Act December 18th. This was one of the significant steps to get this amendment passed.
https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/volstead-act -
18th amendment
Iowa allows alcohol in the state. -
18th amendment
The Volstead Act passed through the US Congress. This established the enforcement of prohibition -
18th amendment
With the ban of alcohol, many residents in a small town decided to be outlaws by producing a high caliber whiskey known Templeton Rye. -
18th amendment
Bootlegging is on the rise. One important is Al Capone who highlights the darker side of bootlegging in Chicago. -
18th amendment
Rosevelt signs the Cullen-Harrison Act. This allowed the. manufacturing and selling of some alcohol. On December 5, the 21st Amendment was signed which put an end to Prohibition.