
1891-1910 Photography

  • Gabriel Lippmann

    Gabriel Lippmann
    Gabriel Lippmann announces a "method of reproducing colors photographically based on the phenomenon of interference".
  • William Kennedy

    William Kennedy
    William Kennedy Laurie Dickson develops the kinetoscope motion picture camera while working for Thomas Edison.
  • Auguste/Louis Lumiere

    Auguste/Louis Lumiere
    In Lyon, Auguste and Louise Lumiere invent the cinematographe, which is a motion picture film camera and serves as a film projector.
  • 1898-1901

    1898- Kodak Introduces the Folding Pocket Kodak
    1900- Kodak introduces the first Brownie, an inexpensive user-reloadable point-and-shoot box camera
    1901- Kodak introduces the 120 Film Format
  • Arthur Korn

    Arthur Korn
    Arthur Korn devises practical telephotography technology, which is the reduction of pictures to signals that can be transmitted to other locations (through wire). Wire-Photos are in wide use in Europe by 1910, and transmitted to other continents by 1922.
  • Autochrome

    The autochrome plate (principal color photography process) is introduced, and it is the first commercially successful color photography product.
  • Kinemacolor

    Kinemacolor, a two-color process known as the first commercial "natural color" system for movies, is introduced.
  • Kodak

    Kodak announces a 35 mm "safety" motion picture film on an acetate base as an alternative to the highly flammable nitrate base.[9] The motion picture industry discontinues its use after 1911 due to technical imperfections.