
  • Britain enforces non child labor laws

  • Seneca Falls Convention

    First woman's rights convention to be organized by women in the western world.
  • Progressive Era begins

    Period of social activism and reform in america.
  • Theodore Roosevelt becoms presiden

    He believed that big business was good. But he didn’t want big business that was greedy and would get out of hand.
  • Niagara movement

    Niagara movement was a black civil rights movement.
  • Lewis Hine, photographs child labor abuse

    1908 to 1916 CHILDLABOROMMITTEE, LEWIS HINE photographed children working in textile mills, coal mines, and canneries throughout the South, providing powerful visual support for child savers who sought to end child labor in these industries.

    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Was an african american national civil rights organization is formed.
  • White house conference

    It was agreed that poverty was an illogical reason to remove a child from its family.
  • NUL

    Was a committee of urban conditions among negroes.
  • WW1

    World War 1 begins