• Radio Wave

    Radio Wave
    In 1887, Heinrich Hertz showed the world how to use radio waves. It helped with the telegraph.
  • City Life in the 1890s

    By the 1890s, electric streetcars had replaced horse drawn vehicles, running above or below ground to avoid the crowded streets.
  • 1890s Fashion

    Skirts became slim in front but full behind...and tailors made very interesting clothing designs for women.
  • 1900s Fashion...

    Fashion in this year included broad hats and "Gibson girls" hairstyles.
  • Immigration in the early 1900s

    After the depression of the 1890s, immigration jumped from a low of 3.5 million in that decade to a high of 9 million in the first decade of the new century.
  • Pres. McKinley Assasinated...

    One of the bullets didn't enter the president - some say it bounced off of a button and then got tucked into his clothing.
  • The Edison battery

    The Edison battery
    The Edison battery was perfected, using a alkaline electrolyte and was a super-duper storage device.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist company fire

    As the women approached the end of their workday, a small fire started in the cutting room on the eighth floor. It was 4:30 in the afternoon. Within minutes, flames fueled by loose cloth lying in innumerable piles engulfed the area and spread to the floors above.
  • Assasination Alert!

    Assasination Alert!
    News Article Franz Ferdinand was assasinated by a Serbian assasin! Oh no!
  • Intro of the Trench Mortar

    Intro of the Trench Mortar
    A mortar is essentially a short, stumpy tube designed to fire a projectile at a steep angle. It could deliver devistating damage!
  • Budda-budda-budda(Machine Guns)!!!

    Budda-budda-budda(Machine Guns)!!!
    Machine Guns were introduced to WWI.
  • Battle of Liege

    The Battle of Liege showed the first land battle of the war, as the German Second Army crossed the area into neutral Belgium so they could attack France from the north.
  • Battle of Haelen

    It was fought at a river crossing at Haelen in Belgium. It was also one of the backfires encountered by the Germans.
  • Telephone Lines

    Telephone Lines
    The invention of the vacuum tube and the final touch of an amplifier made it possible to talk across North America from coast to coast!!! WOW!!!
  • Lusitania's Sinking

    On May 7, 1915, the British ocean liner Lusitania, which primarily ferried people and goods across the Atlantic Ocean between the United States and Great Britain, was torpedoed by a German U-boat and sunk.