
  • Nez Perez War

    Nez Perez War
    The Nez Perce War began when Nez Perce Indians route two companies of United States Army cavalry in the Idaho Territory. The New Perez War was fought when the Nez Perce tribe attempted to avoid confinement within the reservation system.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The construction of the Panama Canal begins; it eventually fails on the sea level canal in 1893, and would be bought by the United States years later under Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Standard Oil Company

    Standard Oil Company
    The Standard Oil Company trust of John D. Rockefeller is begun after Rockefeller places his oil holdings inside it.
  • Washington Monument

    Washington Monument
    The Washington Monument is dedicated at a ceremony by President Chester A. Arthur. The monument was completed after construction had been started by private concerns thirty-seven years earlier in 1848.
  • Surrender of Geronimo

    Surrender of Geronimo
    Geronimo and his band of Apaches surrender to Brigadier General Nelson A. Miles at Fort Bowie in southeastern Arizona. This was the end of warfare between the United States Army and Native American tribes.
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    President Grover Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. The huge sculpture by Auguste Bartholdi provided a beacon of liberty to millions of immigrants and citizens who pass by it.
  • Phonograph

    At his laboratory near Glenmont, the prototype for the first commercial phonograph is completed by Thomas A. Edison and staff.
  • Hawaii

    The independent republic of Hawaii is annexed into the United States.