
By sjdh
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

  • Colorado Enters the Union

  • The Election of 1876

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Rutherford B. Hayes and William A. Wheeler.
  • End of the Reconstruction Era

  • Thomas Edison Creates the First Lightbulb

  • The Knights of Labor Become a Public Organization

  • United States Population Exceeds 50 Million

  • The Election of 1880

    The election would ultimately be awarded to James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur.
  • President Garfield is Shot

  • President Garfield is Suceeded by Chester A. Arthur

  • American Red Cross is Founded

  • Chinese Exclusion Act is Signed

  • The Election of 1884

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendricks.
  • Washington Monument Construction Completed

  • Vice President Hendricks Dies

  • Statue of Liberty is Dedicated

  • The American Federation of Labor is Founded

  • The Election of 1888

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Benjamin Harrison and Levi P. Morton.
  • North and South Dakota are Admitted to the Union

  • Montanna is Admitted to the Union

  • Washington is Admitted to the Union

  • "How the Other Half Lives" is Published

  • The Election of 1892

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Grover Cleveland and Adlai E. Stevenson.
  • Panic of 1893

  • Utah is Admitted to the Union

  • The Election of 1896

    The election would ultimately be awarded to William McKinley and Garret A. Hobart.
  • USS Maine explodes in Havanna, Cuba and Sparks the Spanish-American War

  • Hawaii is Annexed

  • American Anti-Imperialist League is Founded

  • Spanish-American War Ends with the Treaty of Paris (1898)

  • Vice President Hobart Dies