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  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    An act signed by Ulysses S. Grant. It was enacted by the 43rd United States Congress and aimed to protect all citizens in their civil and legal rights.
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    Rutherford B. Hayes

    Rutherford B. Hayes becomes the 19th president of the United States. He took office after winning the close election of 1876.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    The very first telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
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    The Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia

    The Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia was the first official World's Fair in the United States. It celebrated the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
  • The Compromise of 1877

    The Compromise of 1877
    It resulted in the United States federal government pulling the last troops out of the South, and rightly ended the Reconstruction Era.
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    The Nez Percé Indian War

    The Nez Percé Indian War was an armed conflict that destructed several of the Nez Percé tribes. It was a part of the American Indian Wars.
  • Invention of the Light Bulb

    Invention of the Light Bulb
    The very first light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.
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    Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland becomes the 22nd President of the United States. In office, he signed an act and created the Interstate Commerce Commission.
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    Benjamin Harrison

    Benjamin Harrison becomes the 23rd President of the United States. He was the grandson of the ninth president, William Henry Harrison, and the great-grandson of Benjamin Harrison V.
  • Tariff Act of 1890

    Tariff Act of 1890
    It was enacted to protect domestic industries from foreign competition by raising the average duty on imports to almost fifty percent.
  • The Baltimore Crisis

    The Baltimore Crisis
    The Baltimore crisis was a diplomatic incident that took place between Chile and the United States. It was triggered by the stabbing of two United States Navy sailors from USS Baltimore in front of the "True Blue Saloon" in Valparaíso. The United States government demanded an apology, and Chile ended the episode when it apologized and paid a $75,000 indemnity.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris of 1898 was signed by Spain and the United States. It ended the Spanish–American War. It was effective since April 11, 1899. The Treaty of Paris helped the United States became a world power.