1876- 1900

  • The Telephone was invented

    Alexander Bell created the Telephone in 1876
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Fought by the river of Little Bighorn.
  • Colorado Becomes a U.S. State

  • The Compromise of 1877

    An unwritten agreement to settle the the dispute of the 1876 Presidential election, to remove the federal troops.
  • Dawes Act of 1877

    Authorized the President to survey Native American tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Native Americans.
  • Rutherford is elected President

    Rutherford is elected President in 1877
  • The Lightbulb was invented

    The Lightbulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877
  • James Garfield Becomes President

    Garfield was elected
  • James Garfield is Assassinated

  • North Dakota becomes a State

  • South Dakota Becomes a State

  • Montana Becomes a State

  • Washington Becomes a State

  • Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890

    Attempt to prevent raising prices by restriction of trade or supply, but many people critiqued it for harming society.
  • Idaho Becomes a State

  • Wyoming Becomes a State

  • Utah Becomes a State

  • USS Maine Explodes

    On the way to Havana, the USS Maine explodes after being attacked during the Cuban revolt against Spain.
  • Treaty of Paris

  • Open Door Policy

    It established a system of trade in China open to all countries