
  • Compromise 1877

    The compromise of 1877 resulted in the ending to military interventions in the South.
  • 1877; Great Rail Road Strike

    It starts off as workers walk out on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. The workers demand better working conditions and a better pay grade the strikes get to the railroads and soon all cities from the Atlantic and the Pacific join the struggle.
  • 1878 Edison Electrict

    Thomas Edison established Edison Electric Light Co. and it soon defeats its rival and becomes general Electric.
  • 1880 U.S Population.

    The population of the United States got up to 50,100,000. Which 6,600,000 of the population were foreigners.
  • 1882 Labor Day and Immigration

    First Parade to honor the observance or Labor day. Which leads to the holiday; Labor day every first Monday in September. Congress act to restrict immigration on several basis for the first time.
  • 1893 Frederick Jackson Turner

    He delivered his address "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" at the Colombian Exposition in Chicago.
  • 1896; Separate but Equal Doctrine

    Plessy Vs. Ferguson case upholds the "separate but equal" doctrine.
  • 1896 Tariffs

    The Dingley Tariff passes Congress, rasing tariffs as high as they've ever been.