American history 1876-1900

  • Alexander Gram bell invents the telephone

    Alexander graham bell received his first patent for the telephone allowing for much more efficient communication than the telegram.
  • Thomas Edison invents the phonograph

    By inventing the phonograph Thomas Edison allowed for sounds to be recorded and played back at any time, paving the way for new industries and applications of this new technology.
  • Thomas Edison patents the light bulb

    The invention of the light bulb allowed for increased productivity and safety in America because Americans didn't have to light candles during the night in order to work which allowed for them to be more productive and have a less likely chance of causing a fire.
  • President James Garfield is shot by Charles Guiteau

    After just 4 months of being in office President James Garfield was shot because Charles wanted revenge for Garfield not thanking him for his work on his campaign and later died due to his injuries.
  • Congress passes the Chinese Exclusion Act

    This prevented Chinese immigration for ten years into the United States
  • Dawes General Allotment Act

    The Dawes General allotment act redistributed Native American land to individual Native Americans and Native American families to promote independence and a farming life style among the Native Americans
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    It was the first Act that prohibited the creation of trusts that essentially prohibited the creation of monopolies in America and helped end the weath inequality in America
  • Spanish-American War in Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico

    The battleship Maine blows up and sinks while anchored in Cuba's Havana harbor, and results in the United States going to war with Spain and acquiring Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines
  • The United States acquired Hawaii as territory

    During the Spanish-American war, Hawaii supported the united states in their war effort and showed the military its usefulness as a naval base in the pacific and was later annexed by the Newlands Resolution.