1870s to 1890s Camera

  • Period: to


  • Film Easier to Handle

    Film Easier to Handle
    Richard Leach Maddox invents the gelatin dry plate silver bromide process. This made it possible to take a picture and then later develop it.
  • Dye Sensitization

    Dye Sensitization
    Hermann Wilhelm Vogel discovered dye sensitization. This allowed the only blue-sensitive emulsions to be sensitive to green, yellow, and red light.
  • The Science of Sensitometry

    The Science of Sensitometry
    Hurter & Driffield began the evaluation of sensitivity characteristics of photographic emulsions.
  • "Movie"

    Eadweard Muybridge used a trip wires and a row of cameras to create high-speed analysis of a horse. The pictures are taken in such a short period of time they could constitute a brief "movie".
  • Snapshot Exposures

    Gelatin emulsions heat ripening is discovered. It made it more sensitive and made short snapshots exposures possible.
  • Documenting

    Jacob August Riis used photos to document and show the conditions of the New York slums.
  • Celluloid Film Base

    Celluloid Film Base
    The introduction of film base.
  • Roll-Film Camera

    Roll-Film Camera
    George Eastman invents the first roll-film camera.
  • Kodak

    The Kodak box camera is introduced. It is the first easy to use camera.
  • Motion Picture

    Motion Picture
    Louis Le Prince makes the Roundhay Garden Scene. It is the first motion picture film.
  • Commercially Available Celluloid Roll Film

    Commercially Available Celluloid Roll Film
    The Eastman Company introduces the first commercially available transparent celluloid roll film. The company is later renamed the Eastman Kodak Company.