Time Line

  • Lincoln becomes republican candidate

  • Abraham Lincoln becomes president

  • Japanese immigrants arrive on Hawaiian Islands

  • American Civil WAr

  • General Robert E Lee becomes confederate general in cheif

  • Fort Fisher Battle

  • The Emancipation Proclemation

  • Good Friday

  • Andrew Jackson becomes president

  • Black Codes

  • THe Freedman's Bureau

  • Lincoln Assassination

  • Reconstruction Acts

  • First College Football Game

  • Public School for hearing bisabled children

  • Periodic Table

  • Barbed Wire was invented

  • Telephone was invented

  • Ulysses S. Grant becomes president

  • Rutherford B. Hayes becomes president

  • Electric Light Bulb was invented

  • James A. Garfield becomes president

  • Chester A. Arthur becomes president

  • Grover Cleveland becomes president

  • Softball was invented

  • Handheld Camera was invented

  • Electric Motor was invented

  • Benjamin Harrison becomes president

  • NEA hires teachers for disabled children

  • First Basketball Rules where invented

  • Diesel Engine was invented

  • Grover Cleveland becomes president again

  • Bill proposed to require literacy tests for immigrants

    passed in 1917
  • Radio was invented

  • X-Rays

  • First Modern International Olympic Games

  • Plessy vs Ferguson

  • William McKinley becomes president

  • First Modern World Series Game in Major League Baseball

  • Airplane was invented

  • First African American in Olympics

  • First Piloted Helicopter

  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes president

  • William Howard Taft becomes president

  • Woodrow Wilson becomes president

  • World War 1

  • Asiatic Barred Act

    $8 tax on each immigrant, shut out foreigners lacking reading ability
  • Traffic Light was invented

  • Warren G. Harding becomes president

  • Lie Detector was invented

  • Calvin Coolidge becomes president

  • National Origins Act

    Limited # of immigrants
  • Big Bang Theory

  • The Immorality Act

  • Herbert Hoover becomes president

  • Women have the option to be teachers