1860 decade

By Jeezus
  • Invention of Repeating Rifle

    Invention of Repeating Rifle
    The very first Repeating Rifle and worked which was made by Benjamin Tyler Henry. He collaborated with Daniel B. Wesson and Horace Smith to make this Rifle which was used in the Civil War.
  • Battle of the ironclads

    Battle of the ironclads
    Battle of the ironclads was one of the most famous naval battles in American history. This war took place on March 8, 1862 and March 9, 1862. This war was to show the new advanced ironclad ships and also the future of naval warfare.
  • Invention of Roller Skates

    Invention of Roller Skates
    Roller Skates were growing fast from being made in Belgium in 1760 but had a lot of errors. Later in Paris of the year 1819 was the invention of the three wheeled skates. But it was until 1863 when they were introduced to the U.S by James Plimpton inventing the quad skates. James Plimpton invention was the most successful because the skates were sturdy and stable.
  • Invention of Oil Pipeline

    Invention of Oil Pipeline
    The very First Oil Pipeline that was successful was in 1865. The Pipelines were in Pithole, Pennsylvania there were many experiments that were faulty but that was until 1865 where the Oil Pipes wrought iron and highly pipes to transport between 1,950 and 2,000 barrels of oil daily across five miles of land
  • Invention of 1865 web offset printing

    Invention of 1865 web offset printing
    The Web offset printing was the invention of being to print both sides of the paper at once. William Bullock machine doesn't use prints of sheets but instead it uses a roll of paper that is printed on both sides. The machine cuts sheets at a speed of up to 12,000 sheets an hour.
  • Invention of Barbed Wire

    Invention of Barbed Wire
    The Barbed Wire was invented by Lucien. B Smith from Kent, Ohio. Many used it for boundaries and confining their animals but the government had other ideas.