Period: to
Charles Evens Hughes
American statesman, Lawyer, and republican politician. leader of the progressive era in 1920's. -
Winston Churchill
He was a member of parliament in the conservative party, later he switched to the liberal party. He worked closely with roosevelt and soviet union to forge an allied war plan -
Joseph Stalin
Ruled over the Soviet Union for more than two decades. He helped turn russia around and remodernanize it, also His full name is Losif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. -
Hideki Tojo
Prime minister of Japan, led military attack on pearl harbor. He was removed as chief, and later he died from suicide -
Adolf Hitler
leader of Nazi Germany from 1934-1945, policies he made led to the genocide known as the holocost with 11 million people dead and 6 million were jews -
Augusto Cesar Sandino
nicaraguan revoluntionary leader against U.S millitary occupation of nicaragua, assasinted in 1934 by national guard forces -
lazaro Cardenas
was a general at the highest rank in mexican military, and still helped military campaigns for mexico -
Primary wing of the national fascist party, also an all-volunteerd of the Kingdom of Italy, group was made opposing peasents and country labourers' union -
Fransico Franco
ruled over spain for 39 years as a dictator, had support from Nazi Germany and the kingdom of Italy -
orson welles
American actor, editor, writer, and producer. he worked in the theater. on the radio, and even the films he was in, also directed many high-profile films for the federal theater project -
Munich Conference
This allowed Nazi Germany to annex certain territories of Czechoslovakia. This also coined a new territorial designation called "sudetenland" -
Non-Aggression pact
made to form peace between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Pact to have no military actions for the next 10 years -
Lend-Lease act
stated the president could ship weapons, food, ect to countries that needed it against the axis, this ended our nutrality -
Atlantic Charter
joint decleration released by U.S. president FDR and Churchill -
Josephus Daniels
secretary of the navy during WWI, appointed by wilson. close friends with FDR, also appointed KKK and was a white suppremisist