
  • Civil War begins

    Civil War begins
    The Civil War started because of an "attempted divorce" because of the fighting over slavery.
  • The Gettysburg Address

    The Gettysburg Address
    The Gettysburg Address was written after the Battle of Gettysburg. It was a very inspirational address, but was only 9 sentence long. It was the mental turning point in the Civil War.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln makes it after the battle at Antietam to hurt the Southern economy. Two parts: 1. all seceding states' slaves will be free on 1/1/1863. 2. any seceding states that returns to the Union before Jan 1st can keep their slaves.
  • Civil War ends

    Civil War ends
    The Civil ended when Ulysses S. Grant backs Robert E. Lee into a corner in Virginia near Appomattox. Lee surrenders on Palm Sunday, 1865. Slaves are ultimately freed.
  • Reconstruction Amendments ratified

    Reconstruction Amendments ratified
    South must ratify Reconstruction Amendments:
    -13th: no slavery
    -14th: blacks are citizens and have rights; the rebellious Southerners can't hold public office
    -15th: all races can vote
    = all slaves = citizens = voting rights
  • Abraham Lincoln assassinated

    Abraham Lincoln assassinated
    Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in Ford's Theater. His assassination affected the Reconstruction.
  • Military Reconstruction Act passed

    Military Reconstruction Act passed
    Created by the Radical Republicans. Splits the South into 5 districts under martial law. South must create a new state constitution giving blacks citizenship rights. South must ratify Reconstruction Amendments.
  • Ulysses S. Grant elected

    Ulysses S. Grant elected
    Grant had a lot of corruption during his presidency such as: Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall NYC, Whiskey Ring, and William Belknap. Grant is involved in corruption by association or deep involvement.
  • Boss Tweed convicted of embezzlement

    Boss Tweed convicted of embezzlement
    In 1868, Tweed became grand sachem (leader) of Tammany Hall and was also elected to the New York State Senate, and in 1870 he and his cronies took control of the city treasury when they passed a new city charter that named them as the board of audit. In full force now, the Tweed ring began to financially drain the city of New York through faked leases, false vouchers, extravagantly padded bills and various other schemes set up and controlled by the ring.
  • Compromise of 1877 ends Reconstruction

    Compromise of 1877 ends Reconstruction
    There was a confusion in the election of 1876. Republican people count votes and say Hayes is the winner. Democrat people count and say that Tilden is winner. Republicans counts votes so Hayes wins. Democrats get Republicans to agree to "end" Reconstruction.
  • Jane Addams founds Hull House

    Jane Addams founds Hull House
    The Hull House was a daycare for children whose parents worked and there was no one to take care of them. The house "offered hope for lives destined for destruction." Her house also helped women to get more jobs.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Plessy sat in a white section on a train but went to court because he was 1/8 black sitting in a white section. SC rules against Plessy and creates "separate but equal". It is right and the law that blacks are segregated as long as they have equal facilities as whites.
  • Carrie Nation begins smashing liquor

    Carrie Nation begins smashing liquor
    Known as "Mother Nation." She said that she was called by God to try to stop saloons. She wrote about how liquor brings about evil and that women should get the right to vote.
  • Theodore Roosevelt takes office

    Theodore Roosevelt takes office
    Becomes President after McKinley dies from infection after attempted assassination. His philosophy was that all American citizens deserve a Square Deal. He has his share of issues but "picked out" the next president. Later Roosevelt creates a 3rd party: The Bull Moose.
  • Booker T. Washington releases "Up From Slavery"

    Booker T. Washington releases "Up From Slavery"
    his personal experience of having to work to rise up from the position of a slave child during the Civil War, to the difficulties and obstacles he overcame to get an education at the new Hampton Institute, to his work establishing vocational school to help black people and other disadvantaged minorities learn useful, marketable skills and work to pull themselves, as a race, up by the bootstraps.
  • W.E.B. DuBois forms the NAACP

    W.E.B. DuBois forms the NAACP
    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People uses the law and courts for their campaign and accomplished many things that benefited African-Americans.
  • Ida Tarbell publishes "The History of the Standard Oil Company"

    Ida Tarbell publishes "The History of the Standard Oil Company"
    Created muckraker journalist. She journal the big monopoly called Standard Oil. While she was researching about the company, she found out that they mistreated their employees and "documented the aggressive techniques Standard Oil employed to outmaneuver..., and roll over whoever got in its way."
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo on 28 June 1914 really caused World War I. Germany tries to take over Europe. Great Britain and France try to stop them but stalemate (no one is winning).
  • Margaret Sanger coins the term "birth control"

    Margaret Sanger coins the term "birth control"
    She wanted women to have a choice on whether they want to have children and the number of children so they could be happy. She said that it is a disadvantage that women have to have the baby. Opened the first birth control clinic in New York.
  • "Birth of a Nation" released

    "Birth of a Nation" released
    A film that display blacks as "brutish, lazy, morally degenerate, and dangerous. The KKK rises up to save the South." It was retelling the history of the U.S. with lies. Portrays the future of the U.S. as better off without the influences of non-white/ non-traditional Americans.
  • Jeanette Rankin becomes first Congresswomen

    Jeanette Rankin becomes first Congresswomen
    "Jeannette Rankin’s life was filled with extraordinary achievements: she was the first woman elected to Congress, one of the few suffragists elected to Congress, and the only Member of Congress to vote against U.S. participation in both World War I and World War II. “I may be the first woman member of Congress,” she observed upon her election in 1916. “But I won’t be the last.”
  • World War I ends

    World War I ends
    The war ended when Germany signed an armistice (an agreement for peace and no more fighting) that had been prepared by Britain and France. At the start of 1918, Germany was in a strong position and expected to win the war. The U.S. stays out for three years, but eventually join to "end all wars." Germany surrenders.