
  • Period: to


  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    A series of firefights in trigged within the state between pro and anti-slavery groups. This is known to be one of the most violent events within the countries history.
  • The Gadsden Purchase

    The Gadsden Purchase
    An agreement between the U.S and Mexico to buy a large amount of land which would be renamed New Mexico and Arizona.
  • Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry

    Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry
    A violent attempt at causing a slave revolt. Although a failed effort, it stroke fear in those involved and was taken very seriously.
  • 16th President Elected

    16th President Elected
    Abraham Lincoln is elected as the present, and would unknowingly lead his county to win one of the biggest wars of the century.
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    One of the biggest wars the country has and will ever see broke out at Fort Sumter.