Industrial Revolution Begins
The 1st Successful Stream Engine is Built
Mexico Declares Their Independence
Miguel Hidalgo made the first call for Mexican independence.After Joseé Maria Morelos continued the revolution after Hidalgo's death, -
Michael Faraday's Dynamo
Taiping Rebellion
Sepoy Mutiny in India
Karl Marx's "Das Kapital"
Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx are two Germans that decided that if as Capitalism grew more workers would become more and more poor. Which, in time would cause rebellions amd capitalism itself would collapse. -
The Meiji Restoration
Franco-Prussian War
Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx held the idea of Capitalism eventually collapsing. This branched from the idea that as capitalism grew, workers would become poor, and eventually they would rebel, taking over factories and farms. So, in 1867 Marx put together "Das Kapital", exposing the evils of capitalism and the disruption it caused between labor and profit. -
Spanish-American War Begins
Boxer Rebellion
Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
Russo-Japenese War
Franz Ferdinand is Killed
U.S. Joins World War I
Mussolini's Facist Party In Italy
Treaty of Versialles Signed
Russia Becomes the USSR
Stalin's Rule in the USSR Begins
Black Tuesday Stock Market Crash
Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
Germany Attacks Poland WWII Begins
Japan's Attack On Pearl Harbour
U.S. Declares War on Japan
Nuremberg Trials are Held
Apartheid in South Africa
U.S. Drops Bomb on Hiroshima
Vietnam War is Fought
Fidel Castro's Communism in Cuba
Mikhail Gorbachev's Power in USSR
USSR Collapses and Russia is Back
NAFTA is Formed
WTO is formed