1850-1861 Timeline

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe which was about the hardships of slaves and what they experienced. The book was very popular among most northern but some northerners and southerners hate it an passion. They believed the book misinterpreted slavery resulting to North and South tension between the two increasing.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    This act was proposed by Stephen A, Douglas and he was addressing the spreading and expansion of slavery. This resulted to Missouri Compromise being unconstitutional and repealed, two new territories, and allowed popular sovereignty. This act contributed to the “Bloody Kansas” starting.
  • Republican Party

    The Republic Party whole purpose was they were an anti slavery group that wanted to stop slavery from expanding in new United States or western territories after the Kansas-Nebraska was passed since they opposed of it to begin with.
  • Bloody Kansas

    Pro slavery and anti slavery people was overcrowding the territories trying to persuade others on why this side is better. Due to Kansas choosing between being free state or slave state. Also Brown was there leading the anti slavery people therefore this resulted to harsh and cruel battles. Which resulted to the Kansas-Nebraska Act also know as “popular sovereignty” to be formed.
  • Brooks-Sumner Incident

    This event also known as Caning of Charles Sumner was about Preston Brooks who was an pro slavery advocate. He went to U.S Senate attacking Charles Sumner an advocate for anti slavery with an walking cane almost killing him leaving major injuries. Brooks attack Sumner due to him finding out that Sumner was talking about Brooks family or relative and talking bad about pro slavery senators.
  • Election 1856

    The Election of 1856 was forming the new Republic Party that consisted of three advocates. James Buchanan representing Democrats, John C. Fremont representing Republicans, and President Millard Fillmore representing Whig. Overall the winner was James Buchanan for Democrats.
  • LeCompton Constitution

    This constitution was made by Southern advocating pro slavery in Kansas. If this document was regulated and approved then Kansas would be an slave state. The document had an protection of owning slaves section and a bill of rights disregarding African Americans. This document contributed to the beginning of the Civil War starting.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott and his wife and daughter was able to move to a free state after his previous master died but soon that went downhill due to him having to return back to a slave state. Scott sued the court for his freedom. As a result he lost meaning he returned back to being a slave, and the court stated that black people couldn’t be citizens that they are considered as property. South was satisfied while the North was angry because the court made Missouri Compromise unconstitutional.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    This was an seven debates between Lincoln and Douglas in the Illinois senator campaign about slavery spreading to different territories. Second debate led to Douglas asking for slavery to be prevented and Lincoln response was the Freeport doctrine. This had an result of Douglas winning but lose ping southern democratic supporters.
  • House Divided Speech

    This speech was made or given by Abraham Lincoln which talked about the Dred Scott case basically stating that the case made slavery become validated or legalized everywhere. Lincoln believed that “house divided” was referring to the United States becoming dividing due to the tension between pro slavery and anti slavery. He wanted U.S to be a free state but they need to stand up now or they union will fall.
  • John Brown

    John Brown was anti slavery person that did everything in his power to free the slaves also he was an religious person that led him to start all this. Brown started the Potawatomi Massacre resulting to brutal and cruel ways of murdering people, also Harpers Ferry raid which resulting to him trying to steal weapons from Virginia arsenal. All these attempts to set the slaves fee failed and only led to Brown being executed.
  • Harpers Ferry

    John Brown and his followers raided the arsenal at Harpers Ferry in Virginia to use their weapons to fight against the South so slavery can be stopped. This resulted to him and his crew being executed and defeated.
  • Election of 1860

    This election was between Bell, Breckinridge, Douglas and Lincoln. Due to Bell and Breckinridge back out of the election leaving Douglas and Lincoln candidates left. But since Douglas supported the Freeport Doctrine he lost most of the South leaving to Lincoln winning the election and south being angry leading to secession forming.
  • Secession

    The South was tired and angry with everything that was happening. The secession first seceded South Carolina because due to Douglas or Lincoln in office and them being anti slavery the south was scared that slavery would be dismissed leaving them with slaves. Those who voted for Breckinridge was first to secede and last was Bell. Leaving Lincoln and Douglas neutral. The south was fed up with this results.
  • Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address

    The address was Lincoln trying to keep the union intact by still helping and supporting the Northerners but not leaving the Southerners out. This was an compromise between not abolishing slavery and keeping the union together without force or weapons, Lincoln didn’t appreciate or approve of the south secession.