
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    This caused a bigger rift between the north and the south states. This party formed on the hatred of slavery by anti-slavery people.
  • Kansas Nebraska

    Kansas Nebraska
    They were made territories and within these territories the people had the right to decide what to do with slavery. The question brung up was whether or not they should or shouldn’t have slaves.
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    A novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe that spoke out about the issues attaining slavery, and how it was inhumane. It rose even more conflict between the north and the south.
  • Bloody Kansas

    Bloody Kansas
    The people fought each other over the matters of slavery because they either felt as though they absolutely needed it or it was just plain cruel. There wasn’t an in between, and many people lost their lives for the cause.
  • Brooks-Sumner Incident

    Brooks-Sumner Incident
    Charles Sumner was beaten by Preston Brooks because of slavery. Sumner was an anti-slavery advocate. However Brooks was a pro-slavery advocate. Brooks ended up sneaking up on Sumner and beating him down badly with his cane.
  • Election of 1856

    Election of 1856
    It was the 18th election and the candidates were James Buchanan, and John C. Frémont. In the end the democrats won (James Buchanan).
  • LeCompton Constitution

    This was the second choice constitution for Kansas written by pro-slavery advocates. This protected the right to slavery in Kansas.
  • Dread Scott

    He was a man who was a slave in a slave state, but moved to a free state under the idea that he was still a slave. He wanted his freedom so he took his case to court.
  • House Divided Speech

    Lincoln talks about growing issues, and how they have negatively affected the nation. He states that the people and the nation will fall if it continues to be divided in the way that it is.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    A long series of fierce debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. They addressed many issues including slavery and the Scott Court Case.
  • John Brown

    A man who was supposed to be on the side of the slaves. He wanted to help them escape and live free lives. He even gave the weapons such as spears to fight with. He said it was because he was God’s subject and was only doing what was best for God’s creations.
  • Harpers Ferry

    John Brown held a raid against pro-slavery advocates and he did so because of the faith he held within god. He wanted to protect the idea that all God’s subjects shouldn’t be harmed. He killed 16 people in his raid.
  • Election of 1860

    This was the 19th election to ever happen. It was led by Lincoln, Bell, Douglas, and Breckenridge. Lincoln ended up winning thus making the southerners upset at the loss in power.
  • Lincoln’s 1st Inaugural Address

    Lincoln addresses the situation about slavery and says that he will not tamper with the slaves states ability to hold slaves.
  • Secession

    This was a fight with the U.S. and the Confederacy. 11 slave states withdrew from the union due to their fear of not being able to have slaves.