Hungarians demand independence
Hungarians demand independence -
Student risings in Vienna
Student risings in Vienna -
Metternich resigns
Liberal legislation of Hungarian autonomy begins
Liberal legislation of Hungarian autonomy ends
Czechs promised a constituent of assembly
Roman Republic established
Garibaldi agreed with the king of Piedmont, Victor Emmanuel, to give his conquered land to Piedmont thus connecting north and south Italy
Venice surrenders
New Regime established
It had led the Zollverein, which had continued to prosper, and by 1853 every German state had joined it. Prussia was also a dynamic state.
Crimean War
Hungary became an autonomous state, joined to Austria only through the emperor, Franz Joseph, who became king of Hungary, and through common policies for defense and diplomacy
Austria, growing tired of the nationalistic movement, invaded Piedmont on April 29, 1859. France quickly advanced a large sum of troops in support of Piedmont; however, both sides had little tactical brilliance and suffered great losses.
The leader of the movement to annex Southern Italy was Giuseppe Garibaldi. One night in May 1860, Garibaldi along with roughly 1000 volunteers sailed to Sicily, a city on a southern island of Italy
Italy aquires Venicia
Austro-Prussain War
Franco-Prissian War