1846-1860 leading to the civil war

  • the proviso

    (varen, part 5,page16)the proviso sparked debate in our government over how the Mexican-American war was handled and how the land gained from it. The land gained at the time like Texas and Oregon would be divided into a free state or slave state. These debates caused tension between the North and the South because the North wanted them to be because they were under Mexico but the South wanted them to be slave states to help the cause of the South causing tension.
  • the election 1848

    (varen,part6,page8) Taylor was the winner and this set up more tension between the North and the South because he was a slaveholder and he still believed the proviso was the problem of disunity in America. After winning the election, Taylor also ended up not allowing Texas to be a state and wanted to make California free and he had New Mexico vote on it. this decision on these things was bad and led to more tensions between the North and the South till the Civil War blew it up
  • session in both houses

    (McPherson,65)during this short session in the houses there was four fistfights southerners were threatening session from America northerners reaffirmed the Wilmott Proviso and drafted a bill for no slavery in California and to abolish the slave trade in the District of Columbia and to possibly get rid of slavery in the capital this meeting caused tensions to worsen even more which eventually led to the civil war and the actions the southerners said here eventually actually happened
  • the fugitive slave law

    (McPherson,79)the law passed allowed for slave owners to have someone cross state lines to get their slave the law made it so that any black person caught couldn't testify and went into slavery if caught this then led to Northern states passing liberty laws which made it so that slaves couldn't be held in the jails in the north and gave some the rights to testify this law eventually made northerners made because marshall could make northerners help them and they couldn't say no causing tension.
  • the compromise of 1850

    (McPherson,80)this gave slaves caught the right to be tried by a tribunal only problem was that the tribunals were rigged and if they convicted the black man or woman of being a slave they would get paid more causing unfairness in this marshalls if they didn't help slave owners were fined 1,000 dollars and that made it also so that marshals would deputize people and if they didn't help there were severe consequences for it which pissed northerners off which made tension with the north and south
  • filibuster of cuba

    narciso lopez and 600 men sailed to Cuba to try and take it over he took over a small town then was run out when Cuba didn't want to revolt against the government when Lopez returned to America the south after this wanted to punish Spain for what happened in cuba the government then charged lopez and some other with violating the neutrality laws but wasn't convicted but this caused tension with in america
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin released

    (mcpherson,88) this book was about slavery and it talked about how bad it was this book helped gain support for the end of slavery because it showed people how bad this was and it caused problems between the North and the South the South banned the book and would burn it and you could get in serious trouble if you were caught with the book whereas in the north it was fine if you had it nothing would happen and people started to not support slavery because of this
  • American's killed in Cuba

    (McPherson,107)so a force of 420 men tried to take Cuba again but Cuba was ready and stopped the filibuster in its tracks the Spaniards killed two hundred then sent 160 to prison in Spain they executed 52 Americans in Havana in public when news reached New Orleans they rioted and destroyed the Spanish consulate and demanded that we take Cuba because of what they did so now the south wants blood for blood and take over cuba and the north doesn't wanted to do anything causing more tension
  • walker installed as president in Nicaragua

    (Mcpherson,113) Walker made himself president of Nicaragua and revoked the emancipation of Nicaragua that happened in 1824 and made slavery legal which gained him support from the South of America he ended up surrendering to a naval commander of the United States the south acquitted him of breaking neutrality laws which then made him attempt to take over Nicaragua again making the south and the north fight over if its right for us to take over other countries to expand slavery.
  • the wanderer

    (McPherson,103)southerners sent a ship called the Wanderer to Africa to pick up slaves when coming back officials caught wind of this and then when the ship arrived back in America the people on the ship were arrested a savannah jury acquitted them the grand jurors were hated for this and considered evil for this caused tension between the north because the crew of the wanderer went right back to the slave trade and it didn't sit well with the north because they broke the law causing tension