The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was a time of advancement in technology. It started in Great Britain with the fiirst factories. The Industrial Revolution made things easier for people to create and then buy many different items. -
1st Successful Engine is built
Designed by James Watt in 1712, the first successful steam enfine was faster and more efficient at powering machines. The steam engines were put to use in textile mills.This steam engine would later be used in other inventions such as the steam ship and a locomotive. -
Mexico Declares its Independance
Miguel Hidalgo took the first steps into independence for Mexico. Hidalgo was later executed but José María Morelos contined the revoulution by organizing a mexican congress and leading troops to take back control of mexico. He was captured and killed as well but with the help Augustín de Iturbide, the eventiually gained independence. -
Michael Faraday's Dynamo
Taiping Rebellion
Due to the idea that the Qing dynasty had lost the mandate of heaven, Hong Xiuquan and his followers formed a movement known as the Taiping Rebellion. They captured som territory in China befor Quing soldiers, as well as British and French millitary, attacked and defeated them. This caused the lost of 20 million chinese. -
Sepoy Munity in India
Indians and Britain were increddibly strained leading to the Sepoy mutiny. The new British rifle that conflicted with their religion sets them off. Indians were eventually successful -
Fidel Casto's Communism in Cuba
Karl Marx's "Das Capital"
The Meiji Restoration
Franco Persian War
Spanish-American War
The spanish, who controlled Cuba at this point weren't on the best of terms with the United States. So naturaly, when U.S, battleship "Maine" mysteriously exploded, the majority of America assumed that the Spanish did it. Congress declared war, thus resulting in The Spanish-American War. -
Boxer Rebellion
The Boxer Rebellion began when boxers started attacking missionaries and Chinese converts to Chritianity. The chinese were secretly supporting the boxers as they held hostages. This resulted in little but the Chineses' humiliation -
Russo-Japanesse War
Franz Ferdinand is Killed
Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
U.S. Joins WW1
German attacks on American ships and word of their plan to have Mexico attack America caused the U.S. to enter WWI. They allied against Germany with the Allied Powers. Germany was defeated -
Mussolini's Fascist Party in Italy 1919
Treaty of Vesailles is Signed
Russia becomes the USSR
Stalin's Rule in the USSR Begins
Black Tuesday Stock Market Crash
Black tuesday, also known as the start of the Great Depression, was the day that investors sold sixteen million shares. Hardly anybody was interested in buying those stocks and so the whole system completely collapse.This whole thing managed put the entire country from investors, to bankers, to the rest of America in financial peril. -
Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
Germany Attacks Poland- WWII Begins
Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor
Japan had been planning to attack the United States for months, and so they did. They launched bombs all over pearl harbor. It killed nearly 2,400 Americans. -
U.S. Declares War on Japan
Nuremberg Trials are Held
U.S. Drops A-Bomb on Hiroshima
Apatheid in South Africa
Mao Zedong's People's of China
Korean War is Fought
North Korea attacked South Korea. U.S. sent troops to Korea. Eventually both sides agreed to armistice -
Vietnam War is fought
Southern vietnam rebelled against the north. The U.S. sent millitary to help the rebels.the war carried on to the 70s before it ended. -
Mikhail Gorbachev Power in the USSR
Persian Gulf War Begins
USSR Colapses and Russia is Back
Mikhail Gorbachev's power was endangered. It was when he lost most of thaf power when the rupublics of the U.S.S.R. started declaring independence. This lead to the downfall of the U.S.S.R. -
NAFTA is Formed
WTO is Formed