
1806 Solar Eclipse

  • Construction of National Road is Authorized

    Construction of National Road is Authorized
    Construction of the first federal highway (The National Road) is authorized by Congress
  • Horatio Gates Dies

    Horatio Gates Dies
    Revolutionary War general Horatio Gates dies. He is famous for his victory at the Battle of Saratoga.
  • Connecticut gubernatorial election

    Connecticut gubernatorial election
    Federalist Incumbent Jonathan Trumbull Jr. defeats Democratic-Republican William Hart with 58% of the vote
  • Andrew Jackson Wins Second Duel

    Andrew Jackson Wins Second Duel
    Future President Andrew Jackson kills Charles Dickenson in a duel. Dickenson accused Jackson's wife of bigamy. Jackson ended up with a bullet lodged near his heart.
  • Construction Begins on America's first Cathedral

    Construction Begins on America's first Cathedral
    The cornerstone of the Baltimore Basilica, America's first Cathedral is laid. The Cathedral was designed by Architect Benjamin Latrobe.
  • The Great Coastal Hurricane Makes Landfall

    The Great Coastal Hurricane Makes Landfall
    The Category 2 hurricane made landfall at the Cape Fear River in North Carolina. It did the most damage in New Jersey killing at least 24 people and doing about $171,000 in damage
  • George Sweeney Trial

    George Sweeney Trial
    George Sweeney, the grand-nephew of George Wythe, one of the Founding Fathers was acquitted of murdering him. He was found not guilty because the case hinged on major testimony from Lydia Broadnax, Wythe's black housekeeper. Her testimony was thrown out because the law didn't allow for Blacks to testify against Whites.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition Arrives Back in St. Louis

    Lewis and Clark Expedition Arrives Back in St. Louis
    After reaching the Pacific Ocean in November 1805, Lewis and Clark returned to St. Louis ending their 3 year journey
  • Lafayette S. Foster is Born

    Lafayette S. Foster is Born
    Future Connecticut Senator Lafayette S. Foster is born. He served in Congress from 1855-1867
  • Signing of the Monroe–Pinkney Treaty

    Signing of the Monroe–Pinkney Treaty
    The Monroe–Pinkney Treaty attempted to solve the issue of British Impressment of American soldiers. President Thomas Jefferson was unhappy with the treaty and never sent it to the Senate.