Era of Good Feelings

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    Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana purchase doubled the size of the U.S. Napoleon needed the money for military. He hoped a larger U.S. would challenge the British power.
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore the new land in the West. While they were on there journey they studied plants, animals, weather,natives and much more. They always made sure to write their notes down multiple times.
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    The Embargo Act Passed By Congress

    The Embargo Act banned trade with all foreign countries,because of this many American merchants lost money and were very upset.This damaged Jefferson's popularity a lot.
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    War of 1812

    The war of 1812 was fought with Great Britain. Many people got mad and burned down the White House.Also Tecumseh and the Natives alliance was over.
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    Era of Good Feelings

    An era of peace, pride, and progress untied by the supreme court.
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    Erie Canal

    Ran from Albany to Buffalo New York and cost millions of dollars.The construction began in 1817 and ended in 1825
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    Rush-Bagot Agreement

    The Rush-Bagot Agreement limited navel power on the Great Lakes.The U.S. and British Canada were fighting over keeping fishing rights and making it fair.
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    Convention of 1818

    The Convention of 1818 set U.S. and Canada borders a a 49 degree North angle. It also resolved the interest in fur trade with Organ County.
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    Macullach vs. Maryland

    The Macullach vs. Maryland act court asserted the implied powers of congress. It also led to the creation to the second ever National Bank.
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    Adams-Onis Treaty

    This treaty settled all border disputes with the U.S. and Spain , and with it Spain gave the U.S. East Florida and the U.S. gave Spain Texas and offered to pay 5 million dollars.
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    Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise settled conflict with Missouri's application for state head but the state would enter as a slave state while other states like main would not.
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    Mexico and Peru Gain Independence from Spain

    After Mexico and Peru gained independence the president Monroe got very worried even Adams expressed this. Some of e political circumstances even reminded people of the revolution.
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    Gibbons vs.Ogden

    States could not interpret power of the congress,regulate interstate commerce and it was like monopoly over waters.
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    The Election of 1824

    Andrew Jackson won with the most popular vote but did not qualify for office, and the House of Representatives had the choice.
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    Monroe Doctrine

    American policy to warn Europeans not to mess with them, issued with his message to congress and stated Western Hemisphere was off limits.