Convention of 1800
Hamilton negotiates with France, frees American alliance with France -
Jefferson Elected
Thomas Jefferson is elected in 1800 and takes office in 1801, the government cahnges to Democratic-Republican. -
Marbury vs. Madison
Louisiana Purchase
Period: to
Lewis and Clark Expedition
12th Amendment added
Tripoli War ends
Embargo Act
African Slave Trade Ends
Nonintercourse Act
Madison becomes preisdent
Fletcher vs. Pack
Charter for US bank rejected
Battle of Tippecanoe
War of 1812 Begins
Era of Good Feelings begins
Hartford Convention
Treay of Ghent
Clay's American System
Monroe becomes president
First Protective Tariff
American Colonization Society founded
Rush-Bagot Disarmament
Panic of 1817
Convention of 1818
McCulloch vs. Maryland
Transcontinental Treaty
Dartmouth College vs. Woodward
Missouri Compromise
Land Act
Monroe Doctrine
Gibbons vs. Ogden
Corrupt Bargin of 1824
Quincy Adams becomes president
Erie Canal completed
Jackson elected
Tariff of Abominations
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
Second Great Awakening
Congress Passes Indian Removal Act
The Liberator beings publication
Nat Turner Rebellion
The Trail of Tears begins
Force Bill
Ordinance of Nullification
Tariff of 1832
Seminole War begins
Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia
Texas War for Independence
Van Buren becomes president
The Gag Rule
Specie Circular
Charles Bridge vs. Warren Bridge
US recognizes the Republic of Texas
The Panic of 1837
Oberlin College admits females
Manifest Destiny
Antebellum Period
Tyler becomes president
Independent Treasury System started
Tariff Bill put into place
Dorr Rebellion
Oregon Trail
Polk becomes president
US annexes Texas
Mexican War
Mexican-American War
Slidell Mission
Wilmont Proviso
Polk Doctrine
Gold Discovered in California
Trist Mission
Seneca Falls Convention
Taylor becomes president
Sectional Crisis
Fillmore becomes president
Clay's Compromise
Commodore Perry opens Japan to US
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Pierce becomes president
Gadsen Purchase
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Bleeding Kansas
Walker Expedition
Ostend Manifesto
Lawrence Mob Violence
Pottawatomie Massacre
Dred Scott Decision
Panic of 1857
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
"A House Divided" Speech
Free Port Doctrine
Oregon enters the Union
Harpers Ferry Raid
Crittenden Compromise
Gilded Age begins
Lincoln Elected
South Carolina Secedes
Fort Sumpter Attacked
Confederate States of America Founded
Kansas enters as a free state
Period: to
Civil War
Battle of Bull Run
Homestead Act of 1862
Ten Percent Plan
Battle of Gettysburg
Surrender at Viksburg
Battle at Antietam
Emancipation Proclamation
Wade-Davis Bill
Wade-Davis Manifesto
Sand Creek Massacre
Lincoln wins reelection
Confederate Surrender
Lincoln Assassinated
Reconstrustion Begins
Johnson becomes president
Freedman's Bureau Established
13th Amendment takes effect
Civil Rights Act Passed
Ex Parte Milligan
National Labor Union Created
Fetterman Massacre
Alaska Purchased
Reconstruction Acts
Impeachment trial of Johnson
14th Amendment
Tenure of Office Act
Washita River
Carnegie Steel Company formed
Grant becomes president
KKK is started
Knights of Labor Formed
Transcontinental Rail Road Completed
Standard Oil Company Formed
15th Amendment
Force Acts
Credit Mobilier Scandal
Grant Reelected
Slaughterhouse Cases
Red River Wars
Farmers Alliances Established
Civil Rights Act
Pearl Harbor acquired
Hayes becomes president
US vs. Reese
Telephone Invented
Battle of Little Bighorn
Compromise of 1877
Munn vs. Illinois
Hall vs. Decuir
Bland-Allison Act
Treaty of 1878
Edison Invents Electric Light
Dust Bowl begins
Garfield is elected
Tuskeegee Institute Founded
A Century of Dishonor written
Arthur becomes president
Chinese Exclusion Act
European Restriction Act
Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
Civil Rights Cases
Brooklyn Bridge Completed
Standard Time Zones are Established
Cleveland is elected
AFofL Founded
Interstate Commerce Act
Haymarket Incident
Interstate Commerce Comission
Dawes Severally Act
Harrison is elected
Hull House Founded
Berlin Conference
US, Britain and Germany agree to joint protection of Samoa. Thier plan ends up unsuccessful -
1st Pan American Conference
The Influence of Sea Power upon HIstory 1660-1783 Published
North Amercian Women's Suffrage Association founded
Sherman Antitrust Act
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
McKinley Tariff Act
Period: to
Blacks are deprived of the vote in South
Battle of Wounded Knee
Ellis Island opens
The Homestead Strike
Cleveland is reelected
Depression of 1893
Colorado Women can vote
Coxey’s Army marches on Washington
Pullman Strike
U.S. vs. E. C. Knight Company
Pollack vs. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co
In reDebs
Booker T. Washington's Atlanta Compromise Speech
Plessy vs. Ferguson
McKinley elected
Dingley Tariff
Maine explodes
Spanish-American War
DeLome Letter
Williams vs. Mississippi
US gets Hawaii
Samoa divided between US and Germany
Teller Amendment
Open Door Notes