1800 American development Time line

By lamia17
  • Thomas Jefferson was elected

    Thomas Jefferson was elected
    The third president of the United states
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Gaining the land of Louisiana from France for 15 million dollars
  • Marbury vs Madison

    Marbury vs Madison
    Expanded the power of the Court allowing the court to declare acts of the congress unconstitutional
  • Slave trade ended

    Slave trade ended
    Prohibition of carrying and or transporting slaves into the United States
  • 1812 War

    1812 War
    Conflict Between the United states and England on the behalf of restriction of trade for America and the desire to expand being halted by England
  • Monroe was elected

    Monroe was elected
    Elected as president serving a 8 year term he also started the monroe doctorine
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    An agreement between slave and non slave states to keep missouri as a slave state and maine as a free state
  • Second Great Awakening

    Second Great Awakening
    The spread of religion and preaching that eventually sparked reforms
  • Monroe Doctorine

    Monroe Doctorine
    Forbidding any colonization from any of the european countries on the United States
  • American System (checks and Balance system)

    American System (checks and Balance system)
    Implemented a system where each branch was given certain powers that could be checked by different branches