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  • Library of Congress Founded

  • Slavery Ended in Northwest Territory

    Ordinance of 1787 written by Thomas Jefferson, leads to end of slavery in the Northwest Territory and a proposal for all slavery to be prohibited was proposed by defeated by one vote.
  • John Adams Occupies White House is Defeated by Jefferson

    The Executive Mansion is first occupied by John Adams. On December 6 of this year, he would lose the presidency to Thomas Jefferson.
  • West Point Established

  • Ohio Admitted to Union

  • Louisiana Purchase

    In purchasing the Louisiana Territory, President Jefferson doubles the size of the United States. This led to further expansion towards the west that will continue throughout this century.
  • New Jersey Abolishes Slavery

    Last northern state to do so.
  • Lewis and Clark Begin Expedition

    Jefferson sends Lewis and Clark to map the Northwest United States.
  • Thomas Jefferson Re-Elected

    Victory over Charles Pinckney by a landslide 162 to 14 votes
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition Ends

    Sacagawea, a female Indian guide, was crucial to this expedition and journey.
  • Noah Webster Publishes First American English Dictionary

  • Congress Prohibits Further Importation of Slaves

    Any port within the United States is prohibited from having importation of slaves from foreign land.
  • Official Outlaw of Slave Importation

    Despite this law, over 250,000 slaves were still imported into the United States illegally.
  • James Madison Elected Presisdent

    Defeats Charles Pinckney
  • Illinois Territory Created

  • Federal Government has Greater Power Than Individual States

    Supreme Court Ruling
  • Battle of Teppecanoe Won by William Henry Harrison

    Indian Warrioes under Tecumseh are defeated by the Governor of Virginia, William Henry Harrison.
  • Massive Earthquake hits Missouri

    Magnitude of 7.4-8.3, this earthquake is the largest every recorded in the United States and destroyed nearly half of the town of New Madrid in Missouri. First request for disaster relief.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    President Madison requests and Congress approves declaration of war against Britain.
  • James Madison Re-Elected

    Defeats DeWitt Clinton in presidential election and secures second term.
  • Battle of Stoney Creek Lost

  • Battle of Lake Eerie Won

  • Battle of Thames Won

    United States defeats British and Indian allies.
  • Battle of Lake Champlain Won

  • National Anthem Written

    Star Spangled Banner is written by Francis Scott Key during a 24 hour bombardment at Fort McHenry.
  • War of 1812 Ends

    A peace treaty is signed between Great Britain and America.
  • James Monroe Elected President

    Defeating Rufus King with 183 to 34 votes.
  • Indiana Admitted as 19th State

  • Mississippi Admitted as 20th State

  • Official Flag of the United States Adopted by Congress

    Thirteen red and white stripes and one star for each state in the union.
  • Illinois Admitted as 21st State

  • Florida Ceded to the United States

    Spain gives the United States the territory of florida with the Adams-Onis Treaty.
  • Missouri Compromise Passes in Congress

    This bill legalized slavery in Missouri but not other locations west of the Mississippi River. This facilitate the admission to the Union later.
  • James Monroe Re-Elected

    Wins with 231 to 1 votes.
  • Freed Black Slaves settle Republic of Liberia

    Freed American slaves arrive on African soil and name the capital Monrovia, after James Monroe.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    President Monroe announces a policy that establishes American neutrality in European wars.
  • John Quincy Adams Elected President

    Despite no majority vote, John Quincy Adams was elected by the House of Representatives.
  • Thomas Jefferson and John Adams Die

    These two founding fathers pass away on Independence day.
  • Mexico Tightens Immigration of Americans Into Texas

    This is caused because a group of settlers attempting to secede from Mexico
  • Slavery Abolished in New York Takes Effect

    Despite years of having been outlawed, abolishment of slavery is finally in effect in New York.
  • First Passenger Railroad Begins

    This railroad goes between Baltimore and Ohio.
  • Andrew Jackson Elected President

    Popular and electoral college vote victory
  • Smithsonian Institution Founded

    With the condition that his nephew have no heirs, James Smithson gives $500,000 from his estate to the funding. It is now the Smithsonian Complex on the National Mall.
  • William Burt Invents Typewriter

  • Mormon Church Founded

    Joseph Smith starts the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints after publishing the Book of Mormon.
  • Slave Rebellion

    Led by Nat Turner, this rebellion kills 57 citizens and ends with the hanging of Turner.
  • Black Hawk War

    A 6 month war that eventually led to the removal of more Indian Tribes.
  • Trail of Tears Begins

    This was a six year event that was centered around the removal of Indians from their homes on the East Coast.
  • Force Bill Signed

    This gives permission for force to be used in South Carolina if necessary against those who refused to pay tariffs.
  • Stephen F Austin Imprisoned

    Called the father of Texas, Austin was taken by mexican officials but was not tried and then returned.
  • Henry Blair Patents Corn Planter

    Second patent awarded to an African American man.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Despite losing this battle, Texas later acquired independence from Mexico and became its own nation free from Mexico.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle between Santa Ana of Mexico and Sam Houston of Texas gives Texas the victory.
  • Martin Van Buren Elected President

    Defeats William H Harrison 170 to 73
  • Samuel Morse Demonstrates the Telegraph and Develops Morse Code

  • University of Missouri Established

  • William Henry Harrison Elected President

    Defeats Martin V Buren 234 to 60
  • President William Henry Harrison Dies

    After only one month in office, President Harrison dies and has the shortest tenure in history.
  • First Wagon Train West

    Leaves from Independence, MO and arrives in California in November
  • Webster-Ashburn Treaty

    Fixed between Rocky mountains incldues Maine and Minnesota, this treaty gave border between United States and Canada.
  • James K Polk Elected President

    Defeats Henry Clay with 170 to 105
  • Texas Annexed to the United States

    Congress of Texas votes to annex Texas to the United States. President Tyler signed the bill and it was added to the Union as the 28th state in December.
  • Elias Howe Invents Sewing Machine

  • United States Declares War against Mexico

    After the Mexican force is routed by Major General Zachary Taylor, the United States declares war on Mexico.
  • California Declares Independence From Mexico

  • Gold Discovered in California

    James Marshall discovers gold which later leads to thousands of prospectors flooding California in 1849
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    This treaty ended the Mexican War. Mexico gave its rights to Texas as well as New Mexico and California with $15 million.
  • Zachary Taylor Elected President

    Defeats Lewis Cass 163 to 127. Only election held on the same day in every state.
  • United States Department of the Interior Established

  • Millard Fillmore Sworn in as President

    Zachary Taylor dies and Millard Fillmore is sworn in the next day.
  • California Admittes as 31st State

    The Compromise of 1850 adds California as a state without slavery.
  • First YMCA Opens

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Published

    Harriet Beecher authored this book in response to the Fugitive Slave Act.
  • Franklin Pierce Elected President

    Defeats Whig Winfield Scott 254 to 42.
  • Gadsen Purchase

    This was a purchase the United States made from Mexico with $10 million to get present day Arizona and New Mexico so they can build railroads. Finalized borders of the United States.
  • Republican Party Founded

  • James Buchanan Elected President

    Defeats John Fremont and Millard Fillmore.
  • Oregon Admitted as 33rd State

  • Abraham Lincoln Elected President

    Defeats Stephen Douglas John Breckinrdige and John Bell 180 to 123.
  • South Carolina Secedes From Union

    Because of Lincoln's election.
  • Confederated States of America is Set Up

  • Civil War Begins

    Fort Sumter bombarded and captured April 14.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    All slaves in places of rebellion against the Federal Government would be free as of 1.1.1863
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Last attempt of the Confederate army to get Union territory.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    City surrenders to General Grant. This accomplishment is one of the most important in the Civil War.
  • The Gettysburg Address

    One of the best speeches in American history that captured the feelings of the Civil War and its sacrifice. Began with "Four score and seven years ago"
  • Abraham Lincoln Re-Elected

    Defeats General George B. McClellan 212 to 21
  • Civil War Ends

    General Robert E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox in McLean House.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assasinated

    John Wilkes Booth ends the life of the president just 5 days after the Confederate surrender.
  • Thirteenth Ammendment

    This amendment abolished slavery and took effect on this day.
  • Civil Rights Acts of 1866

    Passed by Congress in order to protect the rights of African Americans. President Johnson vetoed this bill but Congress overrode it.
  • Klu Klux Klan is Formed

    With the purpose of stopping black people from voting,and issued in a violent era of crime in southern states
  • Alaska Purchased

    Secretary of state purchased this land from Russia for $7.2 millon
  • Impeachment Trial Andrew Johnson Begins

    Charged with violating the tenure act, Andrew Johnson undergoes impeachment process.
  • Ulysses S. Grant Elected President

    Defeats Horatio Seymour 214 to 80
  • First Women's Suffrage Law Passes

  • Confederate States of America is Dissolved

    Georgia is readmitted to the Union
  • Yellowstone National Park Established

    Ullysses S. Grant establishes this as the first national park.
  • Order for Native Americans to go to a System of Reservations

  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Colonel Custer and all his 264 members die in this battle.
  • Washington Monument Begins Building

  • Rutherford B Hayes Elected President

    After a presidential election dispute, the Compromise of 1877 was reached and Rutherford B. Hayes was elected president.
  • Thomas Edison Patents Cylinder Phonograph

  • James A. Garfield is Elected President

    Defeats WInfield S Hancock 214 to 155
  • President James A. Garfield Shot

  • Five Standard Time Zones Established

    These were made so that confusion over the many local time zones ended.
  • Grover Cleveland Elected President

    Defeats James Blaine 277 to 182
  • Statue of Liberty Arrives in America

  • Washington Monument Opens to the Public

  • Benjamin Harrison Elected President

    Defeats Grover Cleveland 233 to 168
  • Flood in Johnstown, Pennsylvania

    Deadliest flood in American history killing 2,200.
  • The Battle of Wounded Knee

    The last battle to take place between Americans and Indians. 29 soldiers die but hundreds of indian men, women, and children die.
  • Ellis Island Opens

    This immigration center processed more than 12 million immigrants coming from Europe.
  • Grover Cleveland Elected President

    For his second term, Cleveland is elected president over Benjamin Harrison and James Weaver.
  • Women Granted the Right to Vote

    Colorado grants women the right to vote.
  • Shiloh National Military Park Created

    In an effort to commemorate the field where a battle of the largest conflict between Union and Confederate armies, the Shiloh National Military Park was created.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Supreme Court rules that segregation is legal under the "separate but equal" doctrine.
  • Gold Discovered in Dawson, CAN

    This leads to an increase in travel when people want to find gold for themselves.
  • William McKinley Elected President

    McKinley defeats William J. Bryan 271 to 176
  • United States Annexes Independent Republic of Hawaii

  • Peace Treaty Ends Spanish-American War

    Signed in Paris, this treaty gave independence to Cuba and Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States.
  • Open Door Policy with China

    Declared by John Jay, Secretary of State so that international markets could open and help China maintain integrity.