
By angsli
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Napoleon Bonaparte sold the lands of Louisiana because he needed the money to fight the war against Great Britain. It was solder cheaper than what it was worth.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark set off to the New World. They were able to gain knowledge of the land of the West. This strengthened claim on the lands of Oregon and Washington.
  • War of 1812

    It was fought between America and Great Britain. It started because the British put restrictions against American expansion and trade.
  • Compromise of 1820

    In an attempt to balance the power between slave and free states, Missouri became a slave state, and Main became a free state. It was later repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
  • First American Railway

    The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad was the first American railroad. It made expanding to the West easier and more accessible.
  • California Gold Rush

    Gold was first found in California by James W. Marshall on Sutter's Mill. This lead to a significant increase in population by immigrants that wanted a better life in America.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    The Dred Scot vs. Stanford ruled on this date. The decision was that slaves were deemed property and not a citizen. Therefore, they had no right to sue in federal court.
  • Civil War

    A war found between the Confederacy and Union states. Main cause of this war was over slavery and whether it should be allowed or abolished.