1800-1876 Events

  • Gabriel's Rebellion

    Gabriel intended to lead slaves into Richmond and revolt but never happened because other slaves told on him.
  • U.S. Capital moves

    The capital moved from Philadelphia to Washington D.C.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    greatly expands the power of the Court by establishing its right to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The United States pays France $15 million for the Louisiana Territory, which extends west from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains it nearly doubles the size of the U.S.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Set out from St. Louis on expedition to explore the West and find a route to the Pacific Ocean.
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    War of 1812

    U.S. declares war on Britain over interference with maritime shipping and westward expansion.
  • British invasion of Washington.

    British capture Washington, D.C., and set fire to White House.
  • Star-Spangled Banner is written

    Francis Scott Key writes the Star-Spangled Banner as the British attack Fort McHenry.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    This treaty ends the war
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    This Supreme Court case let Congress establish the National Bank.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Maine is admitted as a free state so that Missouri can be admitted as a slave state
  • Monroe Doctrine

    President Monroe declared that the American continent is now off-limits for further colonization by European powers.
  • The first railroad starts being built.

    Construction begins on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
  • Indian Removal Act

    It authorizes the forced removal of Native Americans living in the eastern part of the country to lands west of the Mississippi River.
  • Texas becomes a state

    U.S. annexes Texas.
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    The Mexican War

    U.S. declares war on Mexico so they can gain California and other territory in Southwest. Ends with the signing of The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
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    California gold rush.

    A total of $2 billion worth of precious metal was extracted from the area during the Gold Rush.
  • The Republican Party was formed

    Was formed from the Whig party and was made to stop the spread of slavery and oppose Andrew Jackson
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union

    South Carolina secedes because they are upset with Congress and the election of Abraham Lincoln.
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    The Civil War

    War between the Union and the Confederates. It was a war over states rights
  • The 15th amendment was passed

    Gave African American men the right to vote