
  • France sells Louisiana territoires to USA

  • Marbury vs Madison

  • Lewis and Clark set out

  • Jefferson re-elected

  • Atlantic Slave Trade Abolosihed

  • James Madison President

  • Period: to

    War of 1812, USA vs England round 2

  • Madison Re-elected

  • British set White House on fire

  • Treaty of Ghent

    Ends War
  • James Monroe Inaugurated

  • Spain cedes Florida

  • McCulloch v Maryland

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Valley Forge

  • Monroe Second Inaguration

  • Monroe Doctorine

  • John Quincy Inaugurated

  • Construction on first railroad

    In Baltimore
  • U.S Congress meets for the first time

  • Andrew Jackson Inagurated

  • Indian Removal Act

  • Jackson Second inaguration

  • Texas Declares Independence

  • Period: to

    U.S acquires multiple areas from Mexico and out West

  • Mexican War

  • Republican party Set up

  • Abraham Lincoln Elected President

  • Period: to

    The confederate States form

    Eleven States secede from the Union
  • Period: to

    Emancipation Proclamation

    Frees the Slaves
  • Confederate Defeated