

  • Ohio joins the Union

    Ohio joins the Union
    Ohio becomes the 17th state in the Union
  • Thomas Jefferson buys the Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson buys the Louisiana Purchase
    The United States purchased this land, which adds up to 828,000 square miles for 15 million.
  • War of 1812 begins

    War of 1812 begins
    After rising tensions between the United States and Great Britain, battles break out and lead to war
  • Adam-Onis Treaty is signed

    Adam-Onis Treaty is signed
    This treaty is also referred to as the acquisition of Florida, and it led to the US gaining more land
  • Trail of Tears begins

    Trail of Tears begins
    The Trail of Tears was a part of the Indian Removal Act. It was systemic ethnic cleansing and forced movement of around 60,000 Natives
  • Texas entered the Union

    Texas entered the Union
    After spending nearly a decade as its own sovereign state, Texas became the 28th state to enter the Union
  • California Gold Rush begins

    California Gold Rush begins
    After gold was found at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California, over 300,000 people traveled to California to strike rich
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union

    South Carolina secedes from the Union
    After many disputes and political battles over slavery, South Carolina becomes the first state to leave the union
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin is published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin is published
    Harriet Beecher Stowe's famous abolitionist novel was considered groundbreaking for its time and context despite negative stereotypes
  • John Brown raids Harper Ferry

    John Brown raids Harper Ferry
    Intending to start a slave revolt, John Brown took over the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, and this event is considered the direct prelude to the Civil War
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    Battles ensue over slavery between the newly formed, pro-slavery Confederacy, and the Union. The war lasts until 1865, in which the Union prevails and slavery ends
  • The Reconstruction era nears its end

    The Reconstruction era nears its end
    After many years of rebuliding, the process of reforming the Union begins to end, and a new era of Jim Crow laws and violence towards African Americans starts. Without slavery, the South begins new ways of oppressing African Americans.