1800 Election
There was an election between Thomas Jefferson and AAron Burr. To Burrs dismay Thomas Jefferson wins. -
The Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the United States from France in 1803. In return for fifteen million dollars, Jefferson bought this section of land even though he thought it might be unconstitutional. THis acquisition of land doubled the size of the US -
12th Amendment Ratified
This amendment created clear a procedure for electing President and vice President -
1808 Election
Charles Pinckney And James Madison go against each other for Presidency. To Madisons delight he won. -
War of 1812
War of 1812, was a conflict fought between the United States and Great Britain over British violations of U.S. maritime rights. It ended with the exchange of ratifications of the Treaty of Ghent. -
Treaty of Ghent
The Treaty of Ghent was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812 between the United States of America and Great Britain. It ended any hope Great Britain may have had of reclaiming territory lost during the Revolutionary War. -
1817 presidency
James Monroe became the President in the 1817 election -
Panic of 1819
The first Great Depression caused by terrible banking policies that were established. -
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise passed Congress in 1820. It admitted Missouri to the Union as a slave state and barred slavery from the Louisiana Territory north of the 36°30' parallel.