
  • Thomas Jefferson becomes the 3rd U.S President

  • Louisiana Purchase

    This event involved America's purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clarke were the first american explorers to cross the western portion of the U.S.
  • James Madison becomes the 4th U.S President

  • War of 1812

  • James Monroe becomes the 5th U.S. President

  • John Quincy Adams becomes the 6th U.S President

  • Typewriter is invented

  • Andrew Jackson becomes the 7th U.S. President

  • Martin Van Buren becomes the 8th U.S. President

  • William Henry Harrison becomes the 9th U.S. President

  • John Tyler becomes the 10th U.S President

  • James K. Polk becomes the 11th U.S. President

  • California Gold Rush

    It didn't take long after gold was discovered in California for hundreds of people to pack up their lives and move all they had to California in search of fast wealth.
  • Millard Fillmore becomes the 13th U.S. President

  • Franklin Pierce becomes the 14th U.S. President

  • James Buchanan becomes the 15th U.S. President

  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    The war between the northern U.S. states and the southern U.S. states over the issues of political power and slavery.
  • Abraham Lincoln becomes the 16th U.S. President

  • Abraham Lincoln is Assassinated

  • Andrew Johnson becomes the 17th U.S. President

  • Dynamite invented

  • Ulysses S. Grant becomes the 18th U.S President

  • Zachary Taylor becomes the 12th U.S. President