
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson becomes the third president.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson buys Louisiana from France,
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Native Americans led by Tecumseh fight and lose a major battle opposing White settlement.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise precariously balancing the slavery issue holds the Union together.
  • Battle of The Alamo

    A tragic siege at the Alamo becomes a legendary battle in the Texas War for Independence.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act breaks the previous compromises over slavery.
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    The Civil War

    The United States is torn by the Civil War.
  • President Lincoln Assassination

    Five days after the war ends, President Lincoln is assassinated.
  • Yellowstone Park

    President U.S. Grant establishes Yellowstone Park as the first National Park.