1800 - 1876

  • Third President

    Thomas Jefferson is inaugurated as the third president in Washington, DC.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    United States agrees to pay France $15 million for the Louisiana Territory. This purchase nearly doubles the size of the U.S.
  • Jefferson's Second Inauguration

  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark set out from St, Louis Missouri, to explore the West and find route to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Fourth President

    James Madison is inaugurated as the fourth president.
  • War of 1812

    U.S. declares war on Britain over British interference with American maritime shipping and westward expansion.
  • Madison’s Second Inauguration

  • Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent is signed, officially ending the war.
  • Fifth President

    James Monroe is inaugurated as the fifth president.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    Landmark Supreme Court decision upholds the right of Congress to establish a national bank, a power implied but not specifically enumerated by the Constitution.
  • Missouri Compromise

    In order to maintain balance between slave and free states, Maine is made a free state, so Missouri can be made a slave state. Slavery is prohibited in the northern part of the Louisiana Purchase’s land, except for Missouri.
  • Monroe’s Second Inauguration

  • Monroe Doctrine

    In Monroe’s annual address to Congress, he declares that American continents are off-limits for European colonization.
  • Sixth President

    John Quincy Adams is inaugurated as the sixth president.
  • First Railroad

    Construction began on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the first public railroad in the U.S.
  • Seventh President

    Andrew Jackson is inaugurated as seventh president.
  • Indian Removal Act

    President Jackson signs the Indian Removal Act. This authorized the forced removal of Native Americans living in the eastern part of the country. By the late 1830s, nearly 50,000 Native Americans were relocated.
  • Jackson’s Second Inauguration

  • Eighth President

    Martin Van Buren is inaugurated as the eighth president.
  • Ninth President

    William Henry Harrison is inaugurated as the ninth president. He dies one month later and is replaced by his vice president, John Tyler.
  • Eleventh President

    James Polk is inaugurated as ninth president.
  • Period: to

    Mexican War

    U.S. declares war on Mexico to gain California and other territories. War concludes with the signing of Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold is discovered at the Sutter’s Mill in California. In the next year, the Gold Rush reaches its high.
  • Twelfth President

    Zachary Taylor is inaugurated as the 12th president.
  • Thirteenth President

    President Taylor dies and Millard Fillmore is now president.
  • Fourteenth President

    Franklin is inaugurated as 14th president.
  • Fifteenth President

    James Buchanan is inaugurated as the 15th president.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Sixteenth President

    Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated as the 16th president.
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in Washington DC. Andrew Johnson takes his place as president.
  • Eighteenth President

    Ulysses S. Grant is inaugurated as the 18th president.
  • Grant’s Second Inauguration