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  • Louisiana Purchase

    “...the crowning achievement of his presidency, Jefferson authorized the acquisition of Louisiana from France in 1803 in what is considered the largest real estate deal in American history” (The Early Republic, 2019). “...Napoleon offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory for $15 million—roughly equivalent to $250 million today. Negotiations between Livingston and...Talleyrand, succeeded more spectacularly than either Jefferson or Livingston could have imagined” (The Early Republic, 2019).
  • Robert Fulton Developed the First Commercial Steam Boat Service

    Robert Fulton Developed the First Commercial Steam Boat Service
    "Robert Fulton established the first commercial steamboat service up and down the Hudson River in New York in 1807. Soon thereafter steamboats filled the waters of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Downstream-only routes became watery two-way highways. By 1830, more than two hundred steamboats moved up and down western rivers" (The Market Revolution, 2019).
    Photo credit: Emmet, 2020
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    War of 1812

    "The Republicans hoped that an invasion of Canada might remove the British from their backyard and force the empire to change their naval policies. ... Madison signed a declaration of war on June 18, 1812. For the second time, the United States was at war with Great Britain" (The Early Republic, 2019). The war was fought and, "The Treaty of Ghent essentially returned relations between the United States and Britain to their prewar status" (The Early Republic, 2019).
  • Missouri Compromise

    "Congress reached a “compromise” on Missouri’s admission. ...Maine would be admitted to the Union as a free state. ...Missouri would come into the Union as a slave state. Legislators sought to prevent future conflicts by making Missouri’s southern border...the new dividing line between slavery and freedom in the Louisiana Purchase lands" (The Sectional Crisis, 2019). This showed the public how much disagreement their was about slavery (The Sectional Crisis, 2019).
  • Indian Removal Act

    "Congress passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830, thereby granting the president authority to begin treaty negotiations that would give Native Americans land in the West in exchange for their lands east of the Mississippi. Many advocates of removal, including President Jackson, paternalistically claimed that it would protect Native American communities from outside influences that jeopardized their chances of becoming 'civilized' farmers" (Manifest Destiny, 2019).
  • Transcendental Club Formed

    "Unitarianism had important effects on the world of reform when a group of Unitarian ministers founded the Transcendental Club in 1836. The club met for four years and included Ralph Waldo Emerson, Bronson Alcott, Frederic Henry Hedge, George Ripley, Orestes Brownson, James Freeman Clarke, and Theodore Parker" (Religion and Reform, 2019).
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected

    "Abraham Lincoln’s nomination proved a great windfall for the Republican Party. Lincoln carried all free states with the exception of New Jersey (which he split with Douglas). Of the voting electorate, 81.2 percent came out to vote—at that point the highest ever for a presidential election. Lincoln received less than 40 percent of the popular vote, but with the field so split, that percentage yielded 180 electoral votes" (The Civil War, 2019).
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    Civil War

    The Civil War was between the United States and that Southern states who had seceded and formed the Confederate States of America (The Civil War, 2019). The war ended, "With Grant’s dogged pursuit of the Army of Northern Virginia, Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865, effectively ending major Confederate military operations" (The Civil War, 2019).