1800 - 1876

  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    President Adams was defeated by the Republican party in the presidential race. The contest came down on a tie between two Republicans, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Thomas Jefferson was successful and won the election, on the thirty-sixth ballot.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    Embargo Act of 1807
    President Jefferson's foreign policy, Embargo Act of 1807, declared that the American ports were closed to all foreign trade in hopes of avoiding war. America wanted neutrality. It also prohibited American ships from trading in all foreign ports.
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    War of 1812

    This war was between the United States and Britain. It started because of the British violations of U.S. maritime rights. The U.S. desired to a neutral trading nation during the Anglo-French wars. It also had older roots in the colonial and Revolutionary era. American interests conflicted with those of the British Empire.
  • Missouri Compromise of 1820

    Missouri Compromise of 1820
    There are three parts to this Compromise. Congress would admit Missouri as a slave state, Congress would admit Maine as a free state, equally balancing the number of free and slave states, and finally the rest of the Louisiana Purchase territory would be divided along the 36°30’ line of latitude.
  • Horse Drawn - Mechanical Reaper

    Horse Drawn - Mechanical Reaper
    Cyrus McCormick invented the mechanical reaper. This invention harvested wheat.
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    War of Texas Independence / Texas Revolution

    War between Mexico and Texas. Resulted in Texas’s independence from Mexico.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph revolutionized long distance communication. In 1843, Samuel Morse, inventor of the telegraph, took the telegraph line stretched it from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore.
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    U.S. Civil War

    War between North and South; the main cause was slavery.