Louisiana Purchase
The U.S. bought the Louisiana territory. -
Lewis & Clark Expedition Starts
2 explorers lead a cross country expedition. -
Thomas Jefferson Reelected President of U.S.
Embargo Act
This act cuts off all foreign trade. -
National Road
Construction starts on national road. -
War on Britain
The U.S. invade Canada -
D.C. Burning
The British burn Washington D.C. -
Battle of New Orleans
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Creates unfortified border between U.S. and Canada. -
Missouri Compromise
Missouri admitted as a state if they agreed not to deny free blacks their constitutional rights. -
Andrew Jackson Wins Election
Andrew Jackson elected next U.S. President -
Slave Insurrection
Nat Turner leads slave insurrection in Virginia -
Martin Van Buren elected President
Van Buren next U.S. President -
Start of Trail of Tears
Eastern Indians forced to go west on trail of tears. 1838-1839 -
Texas is annexed
The U.S. annexes Texas -
Republican party founded. -
Cotton Production
U.S. cotton production reaches 4 million bales, but sadly, slave population also reaches 4 million. -
States Secede
Seven states seceded from the union between 1860-1861 -
Lincoln elected U.S. President
Fort Sumter Down
Fort Sumter falls to confederate forces -
First battle of Bull Run
Manassas -
Battles of Shiloh, second bull run, and Antietam. New Orleans taken by the Union. -
Lincoln Reelected
Reelected U.S. President -
Surrender at Appomattox
General Lee Surrendered. -
Thirteenth Amendment
Thirteenth Amendment is ratified abolishing slavery. -
Lincoln Assassinated
Lincoln was shot while at the theater -
Civil Rights Act
Congressed passed this act -
Grant is President
U. Grant is elected President of the U.S.