1800-1876 (US)

  • Thomas Jefferson voted as President

    After Jefferson and Burr tie in electoral votes, the House of Representatives votes Jefferson through as the third Presidnt
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson purchases Louisiana (nearly a million square miles) from Napoleon, doubling the size of America
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    Damage to US trade by British orders in council prompts war. Battles range from Great lakes to Washington.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    US president James Monroe warns European nations against interfering in America
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected as US President

    Lincoln elected as President after only winning 39% of popular vote and no electoral votes in eleven southern states
  • South Carolina the first state to secede for the Union

    In response to Lincoln's election, South Carolina decides to secede from the Union
  • Confederate States of America Formed

    Seven southern states agree to secede from the Union and form the Confederate States of America, with Jefferson Davis elected as their provisional president
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    Battles break out after shots are fired against the Federal military garrison in Fort Sumter. The bloody war that followed maintains the highest US death toll of any American War, with nearly 650,000 casualties.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Abraham Lincoln declares that all slaves in any state opposing the Union government "are and henceforward shall be free"
  • Civil Rights Act passed

    US Congress passes the Civil Rights Act that guarantees the legal rights of African Americans, in wake of resistance to 13th amendment that prohibits slavery or any involuntary servitude.
  • Reconstruction Acts Passed

    US Congress passes series of acts that divided the defeated South into military districts and insisting on elections by universal male suffrage.
  • Fifteenth Amendment

    The fifteenth amendment to the US Constitution makes it illegal to deny the right to vote on racial grounds
  • John D. Rockefeller

    Rockefeller and his partners establish the Standard Oil Company, which was the start of one of the largest monopolies ever.
  • Chicago Fire

    A fire in Chicago destroys a third of the city, which was followed by an incredibly quick and successful period of reconstruction
  • Denim Jeans pattented

    San Francisco merchant Levi Strauss receives patent for denim jeans.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Carnegie's new steel mill near Pittsburgh automation and new technology. The Industrial revolution is now in full swing.