
  • The election of 1800

    The election of 1800
    The election took place Friday October 31 to Wednesday December 3, 1800. Federalists John Adams and Charles C. Pinckney ran against Democratic-republicans Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Adams wanted the government to be ran by the wealthy, Jefferson wanted the government to be ran by the people. When the final results came in, Jefferson and Burr had won 73 electoral votes, Adams and Pinckney had won 65 electoral votes, which means that Democratic-Republicans had won the election.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    February 24, 1803
    John Adams appointed William Marbury to be a justice of the peace. Adams signed Marbury's commission but they never delivered it. Marbury sued Madison over it to get the commission. Marbury v. Madison also established Judicial Review and the federal courts had the power to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional.
  • The Lousiana Purchase

    The Lousiana Purchase
    Napoleon was a French man who needed money for the upcoming war with England. So Napoleon sold the Louisiana territory for $15 million dollars. The territory included modern-day Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska.
  • The Lewis and Clark expedition

    The Lewis and Clark expedition
    On May 21, 1804 Lewis and Clark set out on their adventure to the west territory of the United States. Their group was called the Corps of Discovery. The Corps of Discovery were going to the Pacific coast for president Thomas Jefferson. He wanted Lewis and Clark to take notes about the Natives, plants, animals, landmarks, etc.
  • The national road

    The national road
    The National road is the first ever road to be built in the US. The highway ran between Cumberland, Maryland, to Ohio. President Jefferson approved of the road and gave them $30,000. The road stretched across three states: Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.
  • James Madison becomes the fourth president

    James Madison becomes the fourth president
    Democratic-Republican James Madison was elected as the fourth president of the United States. Charles C. Pinckney lost to James Madison. Madison winning made him the first person to win president of the same party.
  • The battle of Tippecanoe

    The battle of Tippecanoe
    Indian warriors fight against William Henry Harrison, The Governor of Indiana. The battle was at Prophetstown. Prophetstown was an Indian capital on the Tippecanoe river.
  • The war of 1812

    The war of 1812
    The war of 1812 started because the British started making restrictions on US trade and didn't let the United States expand. The Royal Navy was also impressing American ships and sailors. On August 24, 1814 Washington DC was burned down, that made the US angry
  • The treaty of Ghent

    The treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent was what ended the war of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain.The treaty required all captured sailors to be released from Britain.
  • The Rush-Bagot Treaty

    The Rush-Bagot Treaty
    The Rush-Bagot treaty was an agreement between the US and Britain that limits the Naval forces on the great lakes. Each country could only have one ship on each lake.
  • The Seminole war

    The Seminole war
    Andrew Jackson and his army start to invade Florida; Sparking the war to start. Spain and the United States started talking about the US possibly purchasing Florida.
  • The Adams-Onis Treaty

    The Adams-Onis Treaty
    The Adams-Onis treaty was an agreement between Spain and the United States. In the agreement,Spain agreed to give up Florida, and the United states gave up Texas territory.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    This bill allows slavery in Missouri, but not in locations west of the Mississippi River.Under this compromise, the state was admitted to the Union.
  • Possession of Florida

    Possession of Florida
    On July 10 the purchase of Florida is complete with Spain. The US had agreed to pay citizen five million dollars if they had property damage.
  • The Erie Canal completed

    The Erie Canal completed
    The Erie Canal finally opens on October 26,1825. The Canal provided less fee for shipping as well as making it easier to ship. Farm produce and raw materials shipped east, manufactures goods shipped west.