
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    Marbury v. Madison was a supreme court case that gave the judicial branch more power. For example, the could declare an act of Congress unconstitutional, and that was called judicial review.
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Jefferson sent a group called the Corps of Discovery to explore the Louisiana Purchase. They were to learn about the land, natives, and if there was a river route to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Non - Intercourse Act

    Non - Intercourse Act
    The Non - Intercourse Act replaced the Embargo Act, and it banned trade with Britain and France only. It was meant to increase US trade, but it lead to industry.
  • Cumberland Road Starts Construction

    Cumberland Road Starts Construction
    The Cumberland Road was the first US road built by the federal government. It stretched from Maryland to the Ohio River, and its purpose was to improve the nation's roads.
  • The War of 1812 is Declared

    The War of 1812 is Declared
    The War of 1812 was declared by Congress when James Madison suggested it because of the growing pressure from the Warhawks. Congress voted on war against Britain, and the Warhawks won.
  • James Monroe is Elected President

    James Monroe is Elected President
    Democratic - Republican James Monroe defeated Federalist Rufus King in a presidential election at the end of the War of 1812. This was the last presidential election in which a Federalist participated.
  • The Rush - Bagot Agreement is Signed

    The Rush - Bagot Agreement is Signed
    The US and British Canada wanted fishing and naval rights on the great lakes, so they came up with the Rush - Bagot Agreement. It limited naval powers on the great lakes for both countries.
  • The Erie Canal Starts Construction

    The Erie Canal Starts Construction
    The Erie Canal was built to transport good from New York to the west, and it stretched from Albany to Buffalo. This canal led to canal building all across the nation.
  • Adams - Onis Treaty

    Adams - Onis Treaty
    Andrew Jackson attacked the Seminole Indians and took over important Spanish military posts and this lead to the Adams - Onis Treaty. In this treaty, the US gave Texas to Spain, and Spain gave east Florida to the US.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    McCulloch v. Maryland was a Supreme Court case that gave Congress the power to create a national bank. This case was decided on this date.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise settled disputes when Missouri was entering the union. The agreement was Missouri would enter the union as a slave state and Maine would enter the union as a free sate to balance it out. Slavery was banned North of Missouri's southern border.
  • Mexico Breaks Away From Spain

    Mexico Breaks Away From Spain
    Spanish colonies in Latin America started to have revolutions and that remained the US of the American Revolution. James Monroe grew worried that Europe would try to take over Latin American colonies, so speeches were written and movements were being made towards the Monroe Doctrine.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was made by the US to warn European nations to stay away from the Americas. If Europe interfered with the Wester Hemisphere, the US would see it as a hostile act. The US also promised to not interfere with European nations.
  • John Quincy Adams is Elected President

    John Quincy Adams is Elected President
    John Quincy Adams ran against Andrew Jackson, but Jackson didn't get enough electoral votes. The House chose Adams to be president. Jackson accused Adams of a corrupt bargain with Henry Clay.