Location of china

18.1 timeline

  • Period: to

    China and Britain on good terms

    trade was limited but both countries had no problem trading with one another
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    Opium war

    Chinese try to stop Britain from sending them Opium, they go to war and Britain comes out on top. Britain claims China
  • Extraterritorial rights are given

    U.S and other European nations win rights to trade in 5 Chinese ports.
  • Period: to

    Taiping Rebellion

    the Chinese began to revolt against their government that was too weak and corrupt to solve their issues of starvation and overpopulation.
  • Spheres of influence

    after the Taiping rebellion, others countries won spheres of influence in China which made China weaker. the U.S opposed this
  • Guangxu reforms

    Emperor Guangxu attempts to put reforms in place to try and modernize China
  • Open Door Policy

    Initiated by the U.S, later agreed to by the Europeans. It didn't help China but it allowed all nations equal opportunities the trade in China
  • Period: to

    Boxer Rebellion

    Chinese peasants try to rid of all western influence
  • Multinational army drives out boxers

    an army containing soldiers from Japan, Russian, Britain, the U.S, France, Austria-Hungary, and Italy drive out the Chines Peasant "Boxers"
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Qing Dynasty issued the constitutional 19 creeds the limited the emperors powers and made the beginning of the change to a Constitutional monarchy