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18.1, 18.2, 18.3

  • 1787

    Bad harvest caused a pause in the economy growing and expanding because they slowed down food manufacturing and there was a food shortage. This also caused a price raise in foods.
  • May 5, 1789

    May 5, 1789
    The Third estate demanded that they every deputy gets one vote because it wasn't fair and they never had a chance to win over the First Estate or the Second Estate.
  • June 1789

    June 1789
    The Third Estate declared itself as the National Assembly drafted a constitution. A couple days later the deputies showed up to their meeting place but the doors were locked, they moved over to an indoor tennis court and made a promise that they wouldn't stop meeting, this was known as the Tennis Court Oath.
  • July 14, 1789

    July 14, 1789
    900 Parisans arrived outside the Bastille upset and hungry and began to attack the Bastille. They fought for four hours and released the 7 prisoners and then held the warden captive and cut his head off. This was the start of the revolution.
  • August 4, 1789

    August 4, 1789
    The National Assembly abolished the legal privlages of nobles and clergies. A couple weeks later they adopted the "Declaration Of The Rights of Man and The Citizens"(natural rights for men and liberty, property, security, and resistance of oppression).
  • October 1789

    October 1789
    Olympe de Gouges wrote a Declaration of the Rights of Women and female citizens. Many women were mad and upset with the Declaration of The Rights of Men and Citizens so they protested to the King, getting him to come to Paris with his family to help support the National Assembly. The King, the Queen, and their son were now virtual prisoners in Paris.
  • June 1791

    June 1791
    The new constitution set up a limited monarch and Lois XVI resisted it and him and his family tried to fell the country but they were caught and set back.
  • October 1791

    October 1791
    Legislative Assembly met for the first time and amended the constitution to allow trying the king if he turned his back to the county.
  • 1792

    War in Austria began because Austria and Prussia threatened to use force to restore Louis XVI to full power.
  • November 1793

    November 1793
    A ceremony was open to the public for worship of reason inside of the Cathedral.
  • June 1794

    June 1794
    Robespierre gains more power due to the new law of 22 Prairial and the threats on foreign invasion.
  • July 28, 1794

    July 28, 1794
    Robespierre gets executed because the Committee of Public Safety ordered him to be.
  • 1795

    The constitution of 1795 made 2 Legislative houses, and a higher and lower house in the government.
  • 1799

    The directory lasted from 1795 until 1799 when it ended.
  • 1799

    Napoleon Bonapartes came to power and brought the Fench Revolution to an end. He started off as a captain in 1792, then became a commander in 1796. In 1999 he then set up a new government, consulate, and was named the first consul.
  • 1799

    Napoleon Bonaparte toppled over the Directory in a coup d'etat and then he took power.
  • 1801

    Napoleon came to an agreement with the Catholic Church and the pope which led to the Catholic Church not being enemies with the French government anymore.
  • 1802

    Napoleon became the consul of life and then named himself Emperor Napoleon I.
  • 1802

    A peace treaty was signed between everyone involved in the French Revolution.
  • 1803

    The war between France and Britain started up again.
  • 1804

    The Civil Code, also known as the Napoleon Code, was introduced. This code was a problem because it made women less equal then men.
  • 1805

    Napoleon tried to invade Britain but his armies got defeated, which put his first invasion to an end.
  • 1808-1812

    Napoleon began to create 3200 nobles, 60% being military officers, the rest being state and local officials. This was for Napoleons new aristocracy.
  • 1810

    British oversea transports were at an all time high and France couldn't trade with them.
  • 1812

    Napoleon tried to make an attempt to invade Russia and his downfall began.
  • June 1812

    June 1812
    600,000 men entered Russia, Russia refused to battle with the men and retreated hundreds of miles back, while they passed through their villages they decided to burn them down themselves so that the French armies wouldn't find any food or resources to survive. They then started to fight back and Napoleon took the difficult victory.
  • October 1812

    October 1812
    The armies then abandoned Russia and and went west, this led to tons of soldiers freezing and starving to death.
  • March 1814

    March 1814
    Napoleon and the French took over and captured all of Paris.
  • March 1815

    March 1815
    The new king of France wanted Napoleon killed and gone but when they tried to attack him he stayed calm and talked them to join himself and they all marched into Paris together.
  • June 1815

    June 1815
    Napoleon met a combined British and Prussia army under the Duke of Wellington and ended up taking a bloody defeat.
  • 1815-1821

    Napoleon was held in exile throughout 1815-1821 and in 1821 he died.