1798-1840 Ga History

By wbeck03
  • Headright

    A grant of land that gave men 50 acres.
    The headright system was created to solve work shortages. However, it developed lots of land frauds in Georgia. Our Georgia History
  • Cotton Gin

    The cotton gin was created by Eli Whitney to remove the seeds from the cotton fibers. Fast seed removal made upland cotton profitable and rose to Georgia's major cash crop. Georgia Info
  • Yazoo Land Fraud

    Georgia sold around 50 million acres of land for only $500,000 illegally because the legislatures voted for they're personal gain. Georgia repealed the act and gained $1.25 million in return and it developed Georgia's western border on the Chattahoochee River.
  • Land Lotteries

    The government auctioned off land in Georgia to make up for the result of the Yazoo Land Fraud.
    The land lotteries resulted in the Georgia government losing money by giving away land away,but it also increased the population.
  • Dahlonega Gold Rush

    Georgia discovered Dahlonega inside Cherokee territory then found a lot of gold.

    The miners wanted more gold but the Indians got in their way which led to the Indian Removal Act.
  • Railroads

    The first railroad was created in Augusta by Athens business men.
    This led to an increase in small towns being built around the railroads, which increase Georgia's economic growth.
  • Period: to

    Trail of Tears

    The Cherokee Indians were forced out of there homes onto a terrible journey that killed 1/3 of they're population.
  • Tent Rivivals

    Tent Revivals were held to grow Christianity.
    Tent revivals developed Christianity around Georgia by luring citizens in by making them fun.