

  • The University of Georgia got its charter.

    The University of Georgia got its charter.
    1785- The University of Georgia got its charter.
    The GA charter helped lay the foundation for the American system of public higher education. Source: New Georgia Encyclopedia
  • Cotton gin

    Cotton gin
    slaves worked to pull seeds out of the cotton by turning a handle all day.There was a fee for all the cotton that went through the gin.
    resources: Georgia Info
  • Yazoo Land Fraud

    Yazoo Land Fraud
    Georgia passed the law for the people to buy land at low prices. The land that was sold/ gave away when bough was located west of the Mississippi River.
    resources: Georgia Info
  • Louisville

    1796- Georgia moved to the new capital of Louisville.
    The travel distance for some Georgia's senators and representatives was far less after that move and citizens were convienced.
    Source: Textbook
  • 12th ammendment

    12th ammendment
    Brought about by the Jefferson/Burr tie, stated that presidential and vice-presidential nominees would run on the same party ticket. Before that time, all of the candidates ran against each other, with the winner becoming president and second-place becoming vice-president.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The War of 1812, a war between the United States and Great Britain, and Britain's Indian allies, lasted from 1812 to 1815. The U.S. declared war and historians have long debated the multiple factors behind that decision.
    Resources: Georgia
  • Land lottories

    Land lottories
    The Georgia land lotteries were an early nineteenth century system of land distribution in Georgia. Under this system, qualifying citizens could register for a chance to win lots of land that had formerly nd in most cases recently been occupied by the Creek Indians and the Cherokee Nation. The lottery system was utilized by the State of Georgia between the years 1805 and 1833. Although some other states used land lotteries, none were implemented at the scale of the Georgia contests
    Georgia info
  • Dahlonega Gold rush

    Dahlonega Gold rush
    Gold was discovered in Dahlonega in 1829 and many new settlers rushed to Georgia to find it. The bad thing about this though was the fact that the gold was found on the land that the natives lived on, but many settlers were angry about that so they forced them off that land. They forced them off because they wanted to be able to live there and also find gold.
    Resources: Georgia Info