Founded of UGA
When Georgia received land from the government to build a collage.The impact for founded of uga is that gave people a chance to go to a public collage and was a roll model for other collages . (newgeorgiaencyclopidia) -
Yazoo land fraud
The Yazoo land fraud caused Georgia to loose its western territory in 1789.Three land companies wanted a big part of Georgia land . The Western part of the state around the yazoo river .Georgia decreased in size. (mystatehistory.com) -
The cotton gin
The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney in 1793.It was made to pick out the seeds in Cotton. The cotton gin made slave population in Georgia grow in large amounts.-mystatehistory.com -
The Tent Revival
Georgia and throughout the colonies Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians took Whitefield's revival message to heart both black and white were converted. -new Georgian encyclopedia -
creek removal
William Macintosh signed a treaty and gave all the creeks land away without asking for there opinion. General John Floyd got ordered to order Georgian troops to kill over 400 creek native Americans.-my history.com -
Land Lotteries
Land lotteries was a way to give away land in the early 1800's.Between 1805 and 1833 Georgia had 8 land lotteries in though years they sold approximately three-quarters of the state.-newgeorgianencyclopidia -
Dahlonega gold rush
The Dahlonega gold rush made settlers want to move on Cherokee land to get gold. Gold-hungry miners soon moved on Cherokee land in Georgia to get gold.-mystatehistory.com -
railroads in georgia
The railroads came to Georgia in 1832 because cotton sellers needed better ways to transport cotton. The Georgian railroad was the first to start building. After that small towns sprung up everywhere in georgia.-mystatehistory.com