Images (28)


  • North West Expansion

    North West Expansion
    Congress started to admit new states. These new states had to have a population of at least 60,000 residence. There were five new states admitted; Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
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    The Whiskey Rebellion

    Congress passed excise tax on manufacturing of whiskey in 1791. Then later in 1794 as a result of this tax farmers in western PA began to rebel.They terrorized tax collectors, stopped court proceedings, and robbed the mail then 13,000 of Washington's troops ended the rebellion.
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    The Quasi War

    France was outraged by the favored nation treaty so they retaliated by seizing American ships. People pushed towards war and in 1798. Congress suspended all trade with France, an unofficial naval battle took place, the countries signed a peace treaty in 1800 to end this war.
  • Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson tie in election

    Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson tie in election
    The election came to a 73-73 tie. This put the federalist controlled house of representatives in charge of deciding who gains power. Thomas Jefferson won in 1801; a federalist cast a blank vote, leading to Aaron burr becoming the vice president
  • Naturalization act of 1802

    Naturalization act of 1802
    This came as Thomas Jefferson's way to help make up for John Adam's presidency. It made it more direct and simple for immigrants to become American citizens. 14 year process shortened to 5 years